about 2 months ago - FrostGiant_Jex - Direct link
In theory, you should be able to refund the steam pack up until you have logged into the game. Were you not able to request a refund through Steam at all?
about 2 months ago - FrostGiant_Jex - Direct link
I did a little digging and it seems the other caveat is that you have to have owned the bundle for less then 2 weeks to do a refund.
about 2 months ago - FrostGiant_Jex - Direct link
Originally posted by REDMVGE:
Originally posted by FrostGiant_Jex: In theory, you should be able to refund the steam pack up until you have logged into the game. Were you not able to request a refund through Steam at all?

my point was more like what if I bought the cheapest version of your packs to get into the game as early as possible, then I realize "Hell yeah, I love this game" and I wish to get the perks that come with the bigger editions, would I be able to get those by paying the difference?

Unfortunately there is no way to pay the difference in price. The only way to upgrade is to refund the original pack and then purchase the higher pack. And you can only do this prior to July 30.

You will be able to purchase the campaign and heroes separately from the game store when it is live. However, if you want the army gold accent, the firestorm fog of war, or the chicken pet, you can only get those from the bundles. They will not be in the game store as individual purchases.