4 months
ago -
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Our next update is slated for September 17 (Stormgate Early Access v. 0.1.0, codenamed HUNTER). That date is subject to change, but it's our current target.
We understand that many of you would like to see us patch with greater frequency--we'd like to as well--but we have a lot going into Hunter and we made the difficult decision to not slow down development with an additional patch that could put our first content update at risk.
Thank you for your patience and for supporting Stormgate and our development team. We hope you'll be pleased by the progress we are making, which we'll share next week with an update to our Roadmap and a preview of what's coming in Hunter.
We understand that many of you would like to see us patch with greater frequency--we'd like to as well--but we have a lot going into Hunter and we made the difficult decision to not slow down development with an additional patch that could put our first content update at risk.
Thank you for your patience and for supporting Stormgate and our development team. We hope you'll be pleased by the progress we are making, which we'll share next week with an update to our Roadmap and a preview of what's coming in Hunter.