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Frost Giant Developers,

I recently started playing chess again on chess.com. The website is wonderful for the learning experience and very newb friendly. Please take a look at how they approach a learning friendly environment. RTS and Chess games are notoriously hard to get good at, and chess.com does a wonderful job of giving the new players a chance.

Chat- Whenever an opponent tries to talk to you, you have to click a button "Do you want to accept chat". I think this would be very beneficial to new players. RTS games are notoriously toxic with a lot of players liking to talk trash. If I am a new player or one going through a rough patch in life, this can be extremely demoralizing or cause me to not enjoy the game. A lot of players would appreciate an option to simply not have to read any messages from opponents to better enjoy the game in peace.

Puzzles- Chess.com has a set board where you try to figure out the best moves. Stormgate could have UMS micro maps where the user has to figure out how to use the units micro gimmick to win a scenario. This could even be a community driven thing. I'm sure our players could think up some really good ideas.

Lessons- If you have a paid membership, you can take thousands of lessons from users. Typically these are videos of a strong player explaining a key concept. This would be epic for an RTS community like Stormgate. This could even be a community driven thing. I'm sure our players could think up some really good ideas.

Insights- This page gives you all kinds of statistics on your games. It tells you your top 10 openings and win percentages with them for each color.

Openings- This page allows the user to learn different beginning strategy for each color. Something newb friendly for Stormgate would help RTS beginners navigate a notoriously hard to start genre. This could even be a community driven thing. I'm sure our players could think up some really good ideas.

Top Player Bios- I never knew chess had basically as strong an esport as any other online game. Chess.Com has bios of the top 100 players of each chess type to give the reader intrigue about what is going on in the tournament/professional scene. Alllow for bios for the top 25 1v1/2v2/Free For all players.

Classical Games- On chess.com, the user can play against a computer on famous parts of famous games. Want to relieve Bobby Fischer against Spassky in the World Championship? Jump in in the middle of the game in the famous positions to relieve history. Wouldn't it be cool if Frost Giant had an option of 2 online players replaying a tournament match that had a really cool strategy or unusual units used? This feature would give players the option to play an unusual type of strategy from a high level tournament game from mid-match.

Community Driven News- I think Stormgate would benefit from having community driven news. If the writer did a good job on a tournament coverage, the writer could get in-app visibility as the pay-off & whatever attention comes with it for their youtube channel, etc.

WGTOUR style guides- Lastly, I wanted to mention an old concept I saw on a website years ago to help beginners learn. Wgtour.net had a column on the righthand side that was labeled Guides. You could see the 12 newest guides posted like "how to counter X unit, or how to macro as Infernals. Everyone says the learning curve for RTS games is an uphill battle for new players. Frost Giant should help the newbs have a more fun experience. I have had phases where I played an RTS game for a few years without any significant improvement. If the RTS player does know they they have to think themselves on ways to improve their game, they will likely stay at the same level for quite some time.

Thank you Frost Giant Developers. Keep up the hard work. Your hard work will soon pay off. You guys are doing many great things for the RTS community.

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4 months ago - /u/FGS_Gerald - Direct link

Just want to confirm that we saw this post and devs are discussing internally. Thank you for providing the suggestions!