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This is zero-worth post, but just wanted to have a positive headline for change. People have been sh*tting on whatever thing they see - and everyone has a right to do so - but constant dwelling on making threats up from your ass aint healthy. And Id like this forum to be bit more chilling when it comes to mood, now the headlines is mood killing most of the times.

So here are my gaming history: Im a 36 years old fellow who never, EVER, even wanna test a new game or quit it too fast if it doesnt feel like it. Ive played 90%+ of my gametime in life on Warcraft rts-games (not refunded that much though), Starcraft rts-games (both of them) and Heroes of Might and Magic I-III. I really just cant pretend to be interested from new game if it feels sh*tty on my hands. I work full-time so my sparetime is limited and precious.

This mentality for example made me quit AOE IV after 2 hours of playing even though I paid close to 60 euros from the game. Same happened with Fallout years back and DII R + WC3 resurrected.

I didnt even wanna touch Starcraft II when it came, as I was happy with WC3 and played only that. But then my brother gave me free 10-day pass and here we are 13-14 years later.

Now after 1,5 decades later Ive finally found same feeling from Stormgate beta. I gotta be honest, I didnt feel the magic in first and two playtests as a playtester but realized I need to give this time as we are in really early phase, but latest build totally blew up my mind. There are many annoying things left (its beta for gods sake people), but the overall feeling gaming feels great.

And Frost Giant people have been only aces among aces everytime when asking about something or how they are handling content creator stuff.

Thats why I already took part in kickstart (vulcan statue!), bought Carbon plushie (cute as hell) and I will put small sum into Frost Giant business as well. If there are new rounds in the future, I will take gladly part in them well. Im only excited to get part into this and be one of the people who really wanna go uphill and show RTS matters. Profits would be awesome, but its more about sending the message: I want to play games I like and support personal gaming company, not that AAA-fuzz that high corporations think everyone wants to play. RTS ftw!

This is not and investment advice though itself and I urge you to think twice if you do.. Things can go wrong corporation-wise and bankcrupt be happening. But it aint to say Frost Giant would be a total fail even still. Since SCII release Ive been wanting to experience new great rts-game and Im feeling we are close to something magical. Not the same as back then, not on the same expensive level, but awesome and different journey.

For once for rts, I see hope and not rope. With this I can cope. How cool it has been to see legends of old testing the game. Ive seen Jinro (could it be real!), Whitera, Welmu names popping up and many many many other legends I havent heard for a longest of time. Tasteless and Artosis playing willingly other game than BW? Now that is some high level witchcraft voodoo coco jambo.

So my one cent for this close-to-sh*tpost: please dont hate just for hatred sake. If you dont like the game, play something else and feel welcomed to test Stormgate waters later on. This journey is just starting and Im personally looking for the long road ahead. If you dont wanna invest, dont invest. After all, its just as simple as that as nobody is forcing you to do or like anything.

I end my long mumbling here. Have a nice one, Stormgaters!

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about 1 year ago - /u/FGS_Gerald - Direct link

Thanks for joining us on this adventure. <3

about 1 year ago - /u/FGS_Gerald - Direct link

Originally posted by Hopeful_Painting_543

Tasteless and Artosis playing willingly other game than BW?

plus other streamers. It is called marketing my friend. I am not implying anything, but i just assume it is paid advertisment, just like with the thousands of games in the last 15 yrs did it. Must not even be directly paid, could be a advisor position, future employment as casting talent, etc.

Also it is hard to take streamers at face value, when their (future) income is entangled to the project.

Since you’re speculating, I’ll just clarify—We have not paid a single creator to stream Stormgate or make any video content. You won’t find any #ad streams for our game. All the streams and videos, even from bigger variety creators like Asmongold and Lirik, have been authentic and unpaid. No promises of future payment or employment have been made, either.