Transcript (by Youtube)

1s hi this is Tim and I'm excited to share
3s with you a bunch of information about
4s storm Gate's very first Early Access
7s content update since launching stormgate
9s into Early Access we haven't taken our
11s foot off the gas at all our team has
13s been super hard at work on new features
16s and new content that we're excited to
17s get in your hands as quickly as possible
20s some of the stuff we've been working on
22s we've already shared publicly but a
24s bunch of the stuff we've been working on
26s has not been unveiled yet and we're
27s going to be sharing more about it in the
29s weeks and months ahead for now for our
32s very first content update we've been
34s laser focused listening to your voice
37s homing in on your feedback and the
40s topics that matter the most to you and
42s I'm pleased to say our team has cramped
45s a ton into this update that I think
47s you'll care about so I'm excited to show
50s you more let's dive in check this
53s out one of the biggest points of
55s feedback that we've received so far is
57s around our campaign's main character
59s Amara we originally built her model to
62s look good from an isometric top down
64s gameplay perspective with a distant
66s camera her body proportions and face
69s were exaggerated to read well from long
72s distances they weren't up to our
73s standards though when viewed up close
75s during cut
77s scenes so in this update we've recreated
80s her with more realistic body proportions
83s more detailed hair and a higher quality
85s facial mesh overall that's set up for
87s lip syncing and face animations in the
89s future
93s you'll get to see the improved omara
95s inar cutcenes that are rendered in
96s engine as well as during gameplay but
99s we'll still for a temporary period of
101s time have the original Amara in our
104s pre-rendered interludes which will take
105s more time for us to
108s update Castiel leaps into battle as our
111s second Celestial hero while Celestial is
114s traditionally rever animous Castiel is a
117s bit of a heretic and he chooses to
119s instead collect and weaponize it to
121s destroy his
122s enemies
123s unworthy Castiel sacrifices enemy or
127s Allied units alike restoring health and
129s building up stacks of damage that can
131s persist until death Castiel also brings
135s with them the Archos Ark ship an
137s improved Ark ship variant that moves
139s faster across the map and has unique
141s abilities like the powerful Soul Cannon
143s judgement is past as our thanks for your
147s support Castiel will be free for all
149s players who purchase the ultimate Early
151s Access pack on steam or the ultimate
153s Founders pack on
155s Kickstarter we also heard from players
158s that they wanted to see visual
159s improvements to our maps and
160s environments so in this update we've
162s worked on our terrain textures
164s accentuating the normal maps and
166s specular details that you can
169s see we've also adjusted the lighting
172s position in our levels we previously had
175s sunlight casting from the bottom and
176s front which had a tendency to flatten
178s out a lot of terrain units and structure
182s es now lighting and shadows have been
184s adjusted on every single map that we
186s have to offer more contrast across the
193s board environments are a huge part of
196s what immerse players into game worlds
199s and this is still an area of very active
203s development we're also introducing Co-op
206s weekly challenges not only has Co-op
208s hero progression been sped up over
210s overall offering more XP based on kills
213s difficulty and duration of your matches
216s but now you can earn bonus XP each week
218s by winning a match against a rotating
220s set of
221s mutators mutators can be both positive
224s and negative here are a few
227s examples ready to blow when an enemy
230s unit dies its corpse explodes after 1
232s and 1/2 seconds infantry assault every 2
236s minutes an enemy Barrack spawns
238s somewhere on the map you better kill it
241s before it unleashes a devastating attack
243s wave and before too many Barracks spawn
245s to overwhelm your
246s forces got to go fast Allied units have
250s plus 50% movement speed reconstructed
254s when an enemy unit dies it resurrects 2
257s seconds later with 50% Health movement
259s speed and attack speed # zombies
263s speaking of zombies one of our
264s developers made a custom versus map
266s called spooky Boneyard where a zombie
269s spawns after every unit dies it's
272s available in both 1 V1 and 2v2 formats
276s in this
277s update this nighttime map is a bit
280s chaotic and has revealed some unexpected
282s strategies so we're eager to get in your
284s hands and see how you enjoy
286s it we've also added a new versus map
289s called Furious resolve your first three
292s bases are highly defensible making for
294s great macro games with plenty of open
297s space in the center for big battles
301s we've also made a ton of other
305s improvements from audio reworks to
307s balance updates and a whole heck of a
309s lot more one example is that we're
311s tuning a pathfinding feature called push
313s priority in the real world bigger things
316s naturally don't care about smaller
317s things getting in their way so we're
319s using push priority to help bigger units
321s more naturally and effectively reach
323s their
324s destination players may be familiar with
326s this from the magmod Don's trample
327s ability but now some larger units have
329s pushed PRI it innately to push friendly
332s units aside even if they're locked onto
333s a Target on a chaotic Battlefield these
337s sorts of interactions being resolved
339s more easily and more cleanly can make a
341s huge difference on the feel of how units
343s are pathfinding through our
345s battles additionally for the infernals
347s Weavers can now walk over friendly units
351s let us know what you think here as we
352s hope these two changes together allow
354s for more natural control of your
357s armies another highly requested feature
360s was improved hotkey
362s customization players can now change add
365s and remove modifiers for hot
369s keys there are also a few updates to
371s stormgate UI we added area of effect
374s targeting indicators to highlight the
376s radius of many abilities before you use
381s them and a new Option called smart
384s attack is now available for moving and
386s attack moving using only the mouse
393s this is going to be great from an
394s accessibility perspective or for people
397s who don't want to be using both hands
399s while they
401s play The Observer and Replay uis have
405s also been updated they Now display a
407s match timer and observers have the
409s ability to display a score for each
411s player right in the
414s game and lastly if a player is ever
416s disconnected from a co-op match they can
418s now rejoin that game as long as it's
421s still in
424s session and I'd like to end this update
427s by saying thank you to you the players
429s and our community your voices are
431s helping to shape stormgate and we
433s couldn't be more grateful for you being
435s on this journey along with us I'd love
438s to encourage anyone who's not already
439s part of the conversation to go ahead and
441s join us on Discord if you would like to
443s leave us a review on steam but to
445s participate and to share your thoughts
447s on the future of RTS and how to make
449s stormgate as as great of a game as
451s possible I am looking forward to seeing
453s you in battle I hope you really enjoyed
454s the update that we have for you
459s [Music]
6 months ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
6 months ago - FrostGiant_Jex - Direct link
Join game director Tim Campbell as he walks through Stormgate’s jam-packed first content update.
You can play for free on Steam this Thursday, September 19!

For a full look at what is coming in content update 0.1.0, take a look at the update notes here: