about 3 years ago - Frost Giant Studios - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

12s hi this is tim morton from frost giant
14s studios
15s we asked reddit and our newsletter
17s subscribers to submit questions for us
20s to do an ama or an ask me anything
24s and in this video you're going to see
26s answers from various frost giant team
28s members to those questions thanks to
30s everybody who participated and submitted
32s questions online
33s lord shafood asks how much until we can
36s see some important updates like game
38s setting engine or factions
40s we did announce some details of the
41s engine that we're working with unreal
43s engine 5 but we haven't revealed any of
46s the creative details about the game yet
48s we're going to do an official game
49s announcement in the year ahead so hang
52s in there but we're not quite ready yet
55s ozzycon asks what does a one-year-old
57s game project look like whether at the
58s artistic level playability design or
61s engineering
63s we set out to build a gray box or a
65s white box prototype which means that
67s we're focused not so much on the
69s artistic aspects because we know unreal
71s engine is capable of depicting great
73s graphics we're much more focused on
75s mechanics of getting real-time
77s strategies stood up in what is
80s traditionally a shooter engine and there
81s are definitely some architectural
83s challenges there that we've been working
85s through
86s and then also figuring out how do we
88s adapt rts as we know it to our vision
91s for the future and experimenting with
93s that
94s so what we've got it's very crude um it
97s is reminiscent in some ways of what you
100s would imagine the basics for an rts in
102s terms of unit selection in terms of
105s simple command cards and combat
107s but it's focused not so much on the
110s graphics and much more on the core
112s functionality and on the core mechanics
115s alpha drake asks have you decided how
117s your game will be distributed steam epic
119s your own launcher
121s we haven't made any hard decisions yet
123s because we're so early in the
124s development process but we definitely
125s got feedback that players don't
127s appreciate store exclusives so we'll
129s take that feedback into consideration at
131s the end of the day we just want to get
133s our game in front of as many players as
134s possible and we'll be exploring the best
137s platform or platforms to do that
140s blazendragon1737 asks will you guys be
142s reaching out to warchief gaming and
144s notorious studios or any other gaming
146s companies that have been made by
147s previous blizzard employees for gamers
150s we do keep in touch with a lot of our
152s former colleagues including second
154s dinner bonfire studios warchief gaming
157s and notorious who are literally in the
159s same building with us just sitting in an
161s office upstairs we have the closest
163s relationship with dreamhaven who are
166s advising on our game many of the team
168s members at dreamhaven were involved in
170s building the original warcraft and
172s starcraft rts's and it's super helpful
174s for us to have the benefit of their
176s perspective
178s all right so this question comes from
180s omg abaddon
182s what are your plans to improve
184s accessibility without casualizing the
186s game we really believe that the next
189s step for the rts genre to really have a
192s breakout um
194s incredibly successful game
196s and potentially live up to the
197s possibility of having a number one game
199s in the world is to be able to
202s satisfy core players at the same time as
204s bringing in a lot of new players who can
206s enjoy the game also so this is important
208s we really want accessibility but we
210s don't want to casualize the game and so
212s that's why i like this question it goes
214s to the core of what we're trying to
215s figure out and the first part is on
216s wrapping we've talked about this a
217s little bit in
219s uh other interviews or discussions that
222s have been shared with the community
223s but bringing in new users to the game in
226s a way that does not
228s um intimidate them that does not make
231s them feel dumb because they're new
232s players and that lets them
234s experience the fun of rts and socially
236s interact with their friends
238s even though they may be at very
240s different skill levels there's also a
242s big question about um approachability
244s and pacing with how players are
247s presented with with new or complex
249s aspects to the game it's not about
250s avoiding complexity it's about pacing it
253s and really presenting its players in the
254s right sequence in the right manner so
256s that they
257s um they don't balk at that complexity
259s they can ingest it they can process it
261s and they can learn at a smooth face that
263s that helps them feel good for learning
266s and mastering incremental steps of
268s complexity and the third big part that
270s we're
272s um
273s that we're looking at is really our
274s gameplay modes
276s we're looking at co-op and different
277s ways that co-op can be expressed
279s skirmish modes and arcade modes
281s that we can build that will really bring
283s players into um
285s gameplay sessions that are less
286s intimidating less stressful
289s maybe more social with teammates around
291s them and and ones that would be
294s provide a positive experience even when
295s they lose
297s and
298s none of that is at
300s the expense of competitive because that
302s is also very important to us but
304s specifically for new users it's
305s important to have modes that are
308s that are not intimidating so they feel
310s like they can they can take that first
312s step they can try their hand at this
313s game and then build up confidence and
316s the next question is from niallisis um
320s and the question says are you planning
321s on making a traditional fully finished
323s and done released product kind of think
325s like age of empires 4 or you're
327s considering early access as an option as
329s well the game that we're making is one
331s that we are going to actively support in
334s big ways for
336s for years to come um
338s we're really focused on delivering the
341s best possible launch product but we're
343s already laying the groundwork on
344s planning for what's gonna come out
347s year one year two year five after launch
350s um in terms of your question about uh
352s fully finished and done or early access
354s um that's a bit of a blurred line
358s it is really important to us that we get
361s uh feedback from players feedback from
364s the community on the game that we're
366s building
367s early enough so that we can actually
370s react to that feedback
372s before the game
374s really goes full scale live whatever
375s that's called
377s all right
378s so this question is from terence malik's
381s hat
382s and it asks are you closely following
385s the release of aoe4 this week
389s uh to see how well it's received and to
391s see any interesting new features that it
392s might have to inspire a next-gen rts
396s um
397s we are fans of this genre um
400s first before we are developers of it
402s and we also believe that um
405s great ideas great inspiration can come
407s from anywhere and so it's really
408s important for us to be seeing how the
410s genre evolves
412s um and seeing what players are are
414s responding to well about it and so yeah
416s we've we've played a ton of aoe4
419s specifically because that's that's the
420s one you're asking about um and i think
423s that microsoft and world's edge and
425s relic have i think they've done a
427s fantastic job on it
429s people hear this i encourage you to go
431s play vampires 4 and check it out it's
433s really a well-made game
434s and uh and it's it's providing a bunch
437s of inspiration to us and we hope to
438s continue carrying that torch further um
441s with with our game so my question is
444s from go suit enron
446s go sue ass
448s you've chosen a path where you keep the
450s community in the loop from even before
452s you had an office how does this affect
454s your work and are you feeling added
456s pressure because of it
458s will it affect the game itself
461s i'm asking because i'm very excited for
463s what you guys will come up with but the
465s high expectation also makes the fall
468s harder
469s i guess i'm just interested in whether
470s you've discussed this before deciding to
473s keep such a close relationship to the
474s community and to be clear i really
477s appreciate that you do it this way
480s we had really amazing relationships with
483s the rts community
485s from our previous games that we worked
488s on
488s and we think we've always thought that
491s that the community that we had the rts
493s community was a very smart community
496s it's a very proactive community
498s there are challenges of course in doing
500s what we did in involving the community
503s from the launch of the studio itself
506s before we even had a game
508s one of the one of the repercussions of
510s that is that
512s people may have the impression that
514s we're not acting on the feedback that
516s they're giving to us
518s in fact we are digesting that
520s and thinking about it and organizing it
524s at the same time that we're doing a lot
526s of infrastructure building
528s you know when we started the studio we
530s didn't have a game engine um
533s we've we've done a deal with unreal
536s but we've also had to add a lot of
538s tooling on top of that before we could
540s even begin to design the game
543s so i'm sure from the outside that's felt
544s like there's been
546s no exciting news coming out of the
548s studio
550s but in fact behind the scenes we're
551s working very hard to build things one of
553s the reasons we did choose to announce
556s the studio in the game so early is we
559s wanted the community to know
562s that rts is not dead
564s that that there is a strong group of
567s developers that are very interested in
571s taking it forward into the future
573s and to let people know that they should
576s get involved
578s and that they can contribute to what
580s that that future vision is going to look
582s like a question from
585s raythos
587s do you have a problem to make an art
588s style that is clear and good looking at
590s the same time
592s and is it harder to design bigger big
594s units and buildings or smaller objects
595s small units workers in an rts game
598s it's pretty
600s straightforward to make stuff look good
602s and unreal the engine is super powerful
605s uh the shaders are amazing the lighting
608s animation we can do there's a lot but we
611s can do there to make stuff look good the
613s challenging part on our end is we can
615s put
616s so much into the game that it can get
618s noisy and we want to make sure that
620s we keep the units to have a nice clean
623s read in the game you know what you're
624s looking at instantly
626s and it's not
628s competing with the background
630s of what's happening in the terrain or
632s the lighting and animations that are
633s happening there so that's where
636s we can put so much into a game now that
637s we need to restrain ourselves to some
639s extent
641s and the second part is about the size of
644s the units is something easier harder i
646s would say making bigger units is
648s somewhat more difficult because we need
650s to
650s create them in a way that looks like
653s other units can't unless it's by design
655s pass
656s through them so if we have a big unit
659s let's say with uh
661s with their feet spread really far apart
663s we need to make sure it doesn't look
663s like the smaller units can go around and
666s in between that um if it's not
667s intentional so that's the challenge i
669s would say there is for larger units
672s and also making them look
673s comparatively large in scale but we can
675s do a lot of that with detailing
677s example if you have a building
680s uh and you put smaller windows on it the
682s building instead of looks bigger
684s compared to than if you have
685s lots of bigger windows on it'll make it
687s look smaller so there's lots of art
689s techniques that we can use to change how
690s the scale of something feels in the game
693s this question is from statistician
696s number 266 and the question is in terms
699s of art style what do you aim to have
701s your game look like and why would you
703s pick it is there any particular strength
705s you seek to stress or aim behind it or
708s is it simply stylistic
711s for our game we want it to be
715s unreal is capable of doing like lots of
717s photo real stuff uh but we want to add
720s our own style to what our game is going
721s to be so harness the power of the engine
724s the lighting the materials the animating
726s animation and stuff like that but we
728s want to make our own style of game we
731s want
732s players to be able to see a screenshot
734s of our game and know instantly this is a
735s frost giant title uh and so that's kind
738s of the main goal that
740s we are driving as in our team is is
742s determining what is our style what is
743s their look but then still using the
745s power of the engine
747s dan riley cg asks a multi-part question
750s but the first one is even though many of
752s you are from blizzard are you guys
754s interested in any mechanics from the
756s command and conquer series our primary
758s inspiration is blizzard rts's but we are
761s definitely looking at command and
763s conquer age of empires company heroes
765s and even more
767s and trying to see what makes sense for
768s our game and seeing what fits
771s the next question he asks
773s are any of you former game designers
775s from the command and conquer series
778s tim campbell he's our game director he
780s worked on regular two and it has very
783s very fond memories of the very alert
784s franchise as all of us do i worked on
787s multiple series of the command and
789s conquer red alert and also the original
791s tiberian wars
792s and on top of that tim morton our
795s production director also worked on the
796s command and conquered series the next
798s question is from hazy khan
801s how many employees are working at frost
803s right and how many do you plan to add
805s before the release of the game
808s as we speak we have 22 full-time
811s employees here
812s an additional 10 at our contract we plan
815s to get at least double that size
817s uh give or take 50
819s uh when the game is released
821s it creates a more collaborative
823s team he made it slightly smaller which
825s does lead into the next question from
827s kevin mobeck
828s are you accepting any interns at this
831s time
832s i can say on the marketing side
834s we do and we are
836s on the development side we are
838s considering that for the future so
840s you'll have to stay tuned
843s little demon asks i have an engineering
845s question are you using an existing game
847s engine or are you building your own from
849s scratch
851s we're using unreal 5 with a custom game
853s simulation that runs within unreal
857s and as a follow-up he asks what's your
859s approach to ensuring that all players
861s see the same game state given that there
863s could be possibly hundreds of unit
865s interactions every second
867s it seems like a difficult problem
869s it is a difficult problem and we do that
872s by
873s creating our own custom game simulation
876s that runs deterministically which means
878s that every computer
880s runs exactly the same way and produces
883s the same results for any given player's
885s input
886s it's kind of like playing a game of
888s chess or checkers over the phone with a
890s friend and just telling them what your
892s moves are
893s fluffy maguro asks what's the most
895s exciting thing on the technical side
897s that you couldn't do with starcraft 2 or
899s warcraft 3 that you can now
902s the most exciting thing for me is that
903s we've completely separated the game
905s simulation logic
907s from the rendering that we do with
908s unreal 5.
909s this allows us to have faster frame
911s rates a smoother simulation experience
915s and better support for replays and
917s spectating among other interesting
919s possibilities
922s alpha se2 asks after your game releases
924s are you planning to organize or sponsor
926s your own tournaments or even run a
927s professional league like starcraft 2's
929s world championship series or are you
931s planning to have a more community driven
932s tournament scene instead
934s great question alpha thank you
936s it's our belief that all successful
937s esports ecosystems have really been
939s built on the foundation of what the
940s community authentically enjoys so we're
942s going to start by focusing on that our
944s current approach is for tournaments and
945s esports to be enjoyable and rewarding
947s for players of all skill levels
949s regardless of how much they've invested
950s into the game so far
952s so our goal is really to have a clear
954s overarching esports ecosystem that
956s sustainably layers professional
957s tournaments alongside those always on
959s grassroots activity that everyone can
961s participate in this process doesn't just
963s start after the game releases we're
965s really excited to be building all these
966s plans and activities alongside the core
968s game development so we're able to
970s incorporate the thoughts and desires of
972s everyone in the community to create
973s something that we all can really love
976s so food guy asks a three-parter
979s part one what is your design philosophy
981s when it comes to creating units how much
983s do you value unit design based on their
985s lore balance and overall fundness
988s like what are the most important
989s considerations when you design a unit
992s so this is this question is about unit
994s design in general and the answer to that
996s i would say is it depends
998s so i'll give you a few examples when we
1001s are working on co-op commanders in the
1002s starcraft 2 universe we had a lot of
1005s deep and rich lore to base these
1007s characters off of
1009s so what we did as a team is we went into
1012s a room um we jotted adjectives of uh
1015s what describes these co-op commanders so
1016s for example mix he's known for
1019s dictatorship and subjugation and nuclear
1021s holocaust and then we design units and
1024s mechanics for this commander that really
1027s fit this fantasy um an alternate way to
1031s design units is what i imagine the
1033s legacy of the void team
1035s did with the ravager unit in the versus
1037s mode so with that unit the team i i
1039s believe really wanted to
1041s break apart roach death balls in the zbz
1044s matchup and give zerg players an
1046s opportunity for counter play against
1048s force field in the zvp matchup so with
1051s the design of that unit mechanics were
1053s really prioritized and the lore was
1055s built later on in order to
1058s fit that fantasy in terms of
1060s balance versus fun versus how
1063s interesting a unit is
1065s we really want to prioritize fun and
1067s interestingness from the get-go
1069s with some balanced considerations mixed
1071s in and the main thing um we want to
1074s consider with balance is not how balance
1077s is the unit currently because we can
1078s always tweak numbers but uh rather we
1081s want to consider how difficult it would
1083s be to balance the unit later on uh part
1086s two of this question
1088s um in terms of designing a unit is it
1090s one guy that designs everything or is it
1092s multiple people how do you settle on the
1095s final design for the unit if five guys
1097s have five different views on a unit um
1100s and i think in terms of designing units
1102s it's no different uh from designing
1104s levels designing uh systems like ladder
1107s systems or progression systems
1109s um in that generally there is uh one
1111s owner and uh and the design team
1114s surrounding uh that person
1116s um and it's up to the owner to define
1119s the goals of what they're trying to do
1121s with this unit with this level with the
1123s system
1124s and then take ideas from the entire team
1127s build consensus
1129s with the team to
1131s finalize what this unit or level is and
1134s then it's their responsibility to make
1136s the the calls
1138s uh when designing a unit do you start
1140s off with one path and iterate until it
1142s feels right or do you start with a
1144s hundred ideas and narrow it down
1147s so i would say in the ideation phase
1149s when you're just jotting down uh ideas
1151s for units yeah we we kind of do a
1153s shotgun approach where um we come with
1156s all all these ideas for what this unit
1158s could potentially do um but after that
1161s phase when we start the prototyping
1163s phase when we actually try to make these
1165s units put these units into our game we
1167s eventually narrow down
1169s all these ideas into
1171s just one thing that we want to try and
1173s that's mainly for time reasons we can't
1176s just spend like all our time
1178s implementing a hundred different units
1179s so why don't we just try one see how it
1181s feels um if it if it kind of works then
1184s we iterate on that unit and if it
1185s doesn't work maybe we scrap that and try
1187s one of the other ideas
1189s all right so this question comes to us
1192s from sub-surion
1195s sub-suryan asks
1198s while of course it's too early to talk
1200s specifics on the story and universe
1203s what sort of lessons and focuses from
1205s blizzards storytelling and world
1208s building
1209s are you all taking in when designing
1212s this new setting
1214s so certainly we are learning things uh
1217s always from the way blizzard was telling
1220s a story and for an rts when you have
1222s multiple factions
1225s uh that can be tricky you you're
1227s fighting one faction in one campaign and
1230s then in the next campaign you might be
1234s that faction and so you're going to be
1237s uh fighting you know potentially the
1240s faction that you were just playing and
1241s so in in that sense you don't want
1245s one faction to always be the enemy so
1248s certainly you know looking back at
1250s warcraft for instance the warcraft rts
1254s how orcs started off being the major
1257s villain but then as you start to play
1260s orcs
1261s you find that the orcs have compelling
1264s characters and they have
1266s their own compelling storyline when
1268s you're playing that faction you want to
1270s feel like the hero and that's really
1273s important so
1274s all of these factions you know in an rts
1277s game you need to feel like you are the
1279s hero when you're playing those factions
1282s our next question comes from sue warrior
1287s sue warrior
1289s would like to know can we at least get a
1291s hint to the type of setting
1294s and world you have envisioned
1298s imagine aliens that arrive in these
1301s craft that look like giant vacuum
1304s cleaners uh specifically
1306s like the old kirby vacuum cleaners from
1310s like the 20s to the to the 40s
1313s uh so this this alien race just comes in
1315s just starts sucking up everything with
1317s these vacuum you know they're sucking up
1319s hamsters they're
1320s sucking up gerbils they're sucking up
1322s monkeys
1323s so so we think it's going to be very
1326s compelling
1327s and we're very excited to explore this
1330s storyline
1332s and i'm very happy that i had the chance
1335s to to share it with all of you today so
1338s thank you
1349s you