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What’s the chance of getting a new game of StarCraft?

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8 months ago - /u/FGS_Gerald - Direct link

Originally posted by Nexvo1

I'd say there's a high chance, but not anytime soon. A lot of the blizzard employees who created SC2 and wanted to create new RTS games left for companies like Frost Giant (Stormgate) and Dreamhaven (though I don't believe they've announced a game yet).

Hey, Gerald at Frost Giant here—DreamHaven is a partner of ours and you’re correct in that they haven’t announced a game yet. Stormgate has been in closed alpha testing and development is going well! We’re eager to get it into more players’ hands soon.

8 months ago - /u/FGS_Gerald - Direct link

Originally posted by DJEmpire80

Wait for stormgate


8 months ago - /u/FGS_Gerald - Direct link

Originally posted by NeedsMoreReeds

Frost Giant spun off from Blizzard after it was clear they weren’t interested in doing any more RTS. So all the Blizzard RTS developers went to Frost Giant. If Microsoft or whatever does SC3, it won’t be the same people making it.

Frost Giant is currently making Stormgate, which is a new IP that’s basically Starcraft 3.

We’re creating our own new universe with Stormgate. While our game will feel familiar to fans of Blizzard RTS, it’s going to be its own thing—we’re not trying to make “StarCraft 3 at home.”

8 months ago - /u/FGS_Gerald - Direct link

Originally posted by Green-Peach1768

I’m just ready for storm gate which will be the true sc3. (Made by the sc2 devs)

We working hard to get the game ready for you!

8 months ago - /u/FGS_Gerald - Direct link

Originally posted by mortalitylost

Please sir, may I have a beta key? I'm desperate. Really desperate. I'll do things.
