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Sorry if this has been asked before. Have we any news on how stormgate is monetizing it's content?

I have no issues with companies trying to make money, but I am just hoping they are not going down the lootbox/battlepass system. I would much rather pay full price with an optional skins and such.

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12 months ago - /u/FGS_Gerald - Direct link

Hey, no worries about asking! We've discussed this in a couple interviews and in one of our previous discussion topics. The quick answer is that we're not selling loot boxes. We'll be selling additional campaign content in chapter packs and we're considering a few other options (TBD), but we have no desire to compromise the integrity of the game with any pay-to-win schemes or artificial grind mechanics.

We are planning to carry over something similar to the StarCraft II War Chest, where players will unlock cosmetic rewards for completing various in-game activities. We think this can be a good, completely optional way for players to support Stormgate's ongoing development while enhancing the game experience with additional objectives and cosmetic rewards.