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The closest thing I tried was coop mission from starcraft 2 which is a very good game but unfortunately it did not improve any further than what it has now and whatever improvement it tried to do in the past was more like a workaround so I can say that it is not something that will stick with me and I need something else that can stick with me for eternity the best and anything PvP based does not count for it so no say 1v1 with AI opponent maybe unless it is a special case.

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10 months ago - /u/FGS_Gerald - Direct link

We're glad you liked SC2 co-op. Our team created that mode, and we're excited about expanding on it with our 3P co-op vs. AI mode in Stormgate. Hope to see you in the game!

10 months ago - /u/FGS_Gerald - Direct link

Originally posted by upclosepersonal2

What kind of plans do you people have for this in stormgate? I heard you all have been focusing hard on this but I worry it will end up in the same not so good ending that starcraft 2 coop had.

Well, for one, SC2 co-op wasn't a planned feature -- it was added in after the fact and no one knew it was going to become such a huge hit. That limited what the team could do with the mode.

We're building Stormgate from the ground-up with this mode in mind, so that we can expand upon it and really expand on what's possible.

We're starting with customizable Heroes -- in the design the team is experimenting with now, you're going to be able to collect various cards and install them into sockets that will change how your armies act, allow for specialization, role differentiation, and so on. The dream is that three buddies will be able to create fun team synergies and come up with unique builds.

We'll have more to say about our co-op vs. AI plans when we're further into development -- this stuff is all being tested internally now. :)