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I'm a long term veteran of blizzard RTS and AOE, but haven't explored much of other RTS franchises, I played through the campaigns of C&C TS/RA/RA2 back in college, and a little dawn of war, BFME, CoH, and ruse back in the day, and felt like they were unresponsive or sluggish, or in the case of C&C the weird damage typing and cover systems was frustrating.

I'm recognizing that my preference for RTS is things that feel fast, with an emphasis on unit control and harass resulting in quick games unless you earn a longer one. I'm curious if there's any games out there that scratch that itch for you, outside of the obvious AoE and ___craft. SupCom and TA never really interested me for some reason, but I'm willing to reconsider if they fill that niche, most of the time people advocate them for the large scale and long/epic feel, which isn't what I'm interested in.

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10 months ago - /u/FGS_Gerald - Direct link

Originally posted by Rufus1223

Blizzard are masters of responsive games in general, so anything that doesn't come from them will feel dissapointing. It's also the main reason why WoW still remains one of the most popular MMOs, because even if Blizzard f**ks up everything else the reponsivness feeling is unmatched by any other game.

Stormgate will be the most responsive at 64Hz (or 64 ticks)—SC2 is 22.4, most other RTS are 8 tick.

No other RTS, past or in active development, matches Stormgate’s responsiveness. (At least as far as I know!)