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When I was a kid, I grew up reading gosugamers.net tourney write-ups and previews of top non-Korean foreign pros. It was Esports coverage of upcoming tournament matches between top players. You could read about Testie and Mondragon who were about to face off. Occasionally you could read an interview of a top 1v1 or 2v2 player. Could Stormgate developers put in a feature where we can get Esports Coverage, previews of upcoming tournament matches, battle reports of already played matches, and interviews of top players? This would create hype for the game. It would also be amazing to have an in-game strategy wiki to help new players. Maybe even include some tutorials on how to micro units for them to become better. I feel like in the original Starcraft there was very little a player could do inside the game to get better. I had to find websites and wikis to get advice on how to become better. Without reading stuff from forums and without twitch it was very hard to have any clue whatsoever on how to improve. Cheers and thanks for working on the next great RTS Frost Giant!

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12 months ago - /u/FGS_Gerald - Direct link

Cool stuff. Thanks for the suggestions!