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Transcript (by Youtube)

2s hi this is Tim from the stormgate team
3s with an exciting development update our
5s team has recently finished the Milestone
8s that we call elephant and we shared that
11s externally at nextfest and we had a lot
13s of people able to play it and through
15s that phase we've been overwhelmed with
18s the amount of positive feedback and
20s information and just dialogue with the
23s community about the game and how it's
25s shaping up the information received is
28s dramatically helping us to make the game
30s a better game and we couldn't be more
32s appreciative to everyone who
33s participated and who's engaged with us
35s during this phase we're hard at work now
38s on the next Milestone release which is
40s code named frig frig is our upcoming
44s release where we will be sharing for the
46s first time ever a work in progress sneak
49s peek version of our third faction I'm
52s not going to give any spoilers now but
54s it has a lot of exciting new mechanics
56s new gameplay involved with it and we're
58s really eager to get it in your hands in
61s addition we have a bunch of other really
63s exciting changes in store and I'd like
65s to give you a glimpse of what we've been
67s working so hard
68s on first up creep camps have been
71s reworked into capture points capture
73s Point contested players are able to
75s maintain control over resource camps to
78s receive passive
79s benefits and there's a new energy camp
82s where you can restore your unit's energy
85s capture Point icons have also been
86s updated and team colors Now display on
89s the mini map as as well as in the game
92s Space matchmaking has also been updated
95s to use a randomized map Pool we have two
98s new maps that are being introduced in
100s frig starting with lost hope which
102s features four starting positions and
104s random spawn locations in versus games
107s another new versus map Isle of dread
110s this map represents our first steps into
112s water mechanics in stormgate right now
115s there is shallow and deep water each
117s with their own
118s pathing the water material also has some
120s automated Shoreline waves and underwater
123s CTIC effects this terrain feature is
126s going to undergo ongoing development and
128s be expanded more in the future and with
130s this water feature and the code name
132s foret I just want to be clear we're not
134s including Naval units directly in
136s stormgate but we have developed our
139s editor and this train feature with an
140s eye towards the community being able to
142s support this in the future so I can't
144s wait to get in your hands and see what
146s mod makers do with Naval units in the
148s future we're also including a new
150s three-player Co-op map called Abyssal
153s gates in this map you must stop the lord
156s of the abys from entering our world by
158s destroying his five Abyssal Gates the
161s skies will blacken with birds of your
165s metal there are also a handful of
168s experimental Maps added for custom
170s lobbies this includes some two versus
172s two maps for the first time we'd love to
174s get your feedback on
176s them for the infernals we're excited to
178s showcase the shadow flyer unit model and
181s animations which have been updated in
184s Fr Shadow flyer gameplay has also been
187s adjusted to be less vola its explosion
189s now applies a stacking armor debuff that
192s makes air units vulnerable to attacks
194s for a short
196s time we've also just added a new unit
199s the hexen a tier one infernal
203s Caster in versus games the hexen is the
206s infernals free starting unit I shall go
211s as part of this the infest mechanic has
213s been removed from the gaunt and the
215s hexen steps in to apply infest in a much
218s more controlled manner with its
220s abilities first up skull of shetta a
223s multi-purpose spell that allows players
225s to scout the map and apply single Target
228s infest Venom trap use this to place
231s concealed mines that apply AOE damage
234s and
237s infest my Asma Channel a Zone control
241s AOE ability that boosts infest damage
244s over
246s time for Vanguard the EXO is being
250s reimagined during development the EXO
252s has evolved from a basic Gunner to
255s becoming a more powerful tier 1.5 unit
258s so the EXO's appearance is due for an
260s upgrade to better match its new power
262s levels the EXO will have a more
264s pronounced exoskeleton a higher Tech
266s feel as well as a larger reinforced arm
269s to hold its powerful weapon the new EXO
272s model isn't quite ready for game time
274s yet but we're excited to share our
275s progress on
276s him on the soundfront we've been
278s recording a ton of new sound effects and
280s voiceover lines here are a few samples
283s waiting on you walking home spray and
288s pre this round's on me watch out I'm
292s coming belly down where's the action
297s undeploy it dig it in speak up standing
302s up let's get to it I'll be subtle I'm
306s good at subtle taking position highspeed
311s pass get me in there listen I come from
314s a long line of Pilots uh hot air balloon
317s Pilots
326s mostly give me them
329s order
333s out of our
334s way run them
345s down the Strand is
349s spun
353s patience I am
357s still so shifting gears and looking
359s ahead to the Future
360s this team is working really really hard
363s to deliver the best possible RTS game
365s experience for you and I want to say
367s thank you for you being a part of this
369s journey with us your feedback has
371s already helped shape stormgate and make
373s it a better game than it would have been
375s without you being a part of it I'm
378s excited to be able to share more with
380s you as we move ahead there are a lot of
382s aspects of the game that we haven't been
383s able to talk about just yet and I'm
386s looking forward to being able to peel
387s back the current on development and
389s share some of the super secret things
390s with you in particular we've been hard
393s at work on the campaigns and some other
395s aspects of the game that uh We've made
398s great progress on and we'll be talking
400s more in the future uh and I'm super
402s excited about I'd like to end on a note
405s of gratitude for you the community
407s whether you have participated in the
409s kickstarter or uh or nextfest or have
413s been a part of any of our play tests or
415s our online communities your presence and
418s your engagement with us makes a huge
420s difference we could not be doing what
422s we're doing without you and literally
424s this game would not be in existence now
427s if it were not for the support of you so
430s thank you very much from the bottom of
432s our hearts for everybody at Frost giant
435s uh we really appreciate you and we can't
438s wait to share the next steps of this
439s journey with you and see where it
440s [Music]
447s goes
11 months ago - /u/FGS_Gerald - Direct link

Originally posted by DisasterNarrow4949

So, from what I understand, there will be no more "creeps" to kill, the camps will be purely captured by just standing with units there? I hope it is that way. Because even though I liked to go wander around the map killing creep units, it was really frustrating knowing that the best way to capture the creep camps were by cheesing the creeps AI, and just going for overall shennanngans to be able to kill them fast, earlier as possible, and spawn as many fiends (or get as many veterancy) as possible.

That is weird though, because from the last update, they said that they hired a new dude to make some art and he was doing the art for the new creeps for the creep camps. So I'm not sure now if the new creep/camp system will actually have creep units to be killed, or not.

I can confirm that in the current design, you have to clear the creep camp for the capture point to activate.

11 months ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
11 months ago - FrostGiantGerald - Direct link
Hello, everyone!

Tim Campbell here. We’ve reached an exciting point in Stormgate’s development where the team is making quick progress on many fronts and we have a lot to show you.

Since we founded Frost Giant and embarked on the journey of developing Stormgate, we’ve been committed to the idea that involving our community (you!) directly in the creation process would ultimately lead to a better game than we would be able to develop alone.

I have personally seen this theory proven out time and again during Stormgate’s first few years of development. Community feedback has helped shape core gameplay, competitive balance, map design, the relative priorities of a LOT of features, as well as the overall player experience.

As the team prepares for the upcoming release of our next closed beta test (codenamed Frigate), we’d like to share some insight into our design process as well as an early look at some of the progress we’ve made since our last playtest. Let’s start with an overview of how we’re approaching our maps & game modes.

MAPS & MODES Stormgate’s ranked 1v1 competitive and 3vE (3P co-op vs. AI) cooperative modes are playable. However, you may be wondering how we’re going to improve those modes and increase the amount of content available for them. You may be curious about the state of our Campaign missions, something we haven’t discussed much yet. Or, you may have seen a bunch of maps set in lush, green forests and wondered–hey, where’s the post-apocalypse? You may have seen that we’re working with our friend Samwise Didier to create all new “Creep families” to replace our placeholder Creep Camps (farewell, chickens!). So, when are those going into the game? In reality, the answers to all of these questions are intertwined, and I’m going to try to break it all down and show you some examples of how we approach various development challenges.

DEVELOPMENT APPROACH When creating a multi-faceted game experience like Stormgate (similar to the experience many of us had working on other RTS games back at Blizzard), our development team often faces complex production challenges that stem directly from being a small team trying to build a really big game.

With Stormgate, we’re not just making a 1v1 competitive game (a huge challenge on its own), but we’re also creating a compelling cooperative experience, a high-quality campaign experience (playable alone or with friends), a powerful editor for custom game content, a 3v3 team-based competitive mode, and more. Each of these modes and features requires its own unique content, but they nearly all have to flow through the same small groups of developers and can frequently compete against each other for attention.

HOW DO WE JUGGLE IT ALL? Well, every team has its own approach. Blizzard traditionally took advantage of very long development timelines, with games in development for many years before being formally announced.

Other teams have thrown massive team sizes at these same problems. Even then, StarCraft II didn’t introduce Co-op Commanders until post-launch DLC after three premium boxed product releases. Other recent premium RTS releases have chosen to ship their 1.0 releases without significant features like map editors, replays, or even ranked competitive matchmaking, and instead add them in later as post-launch updates. Simply put, the RTS genre has such a large surface area and such a unique set of development challenges that every team (large or small, indie or not) has to find their own way to address them somehow.

For us, our approach comes down to trying to make smart, efficient decisions every step of the way–even if that means delaying a greatly-desired feature until the proper infrastructure can be put in place to support it or postponing certain types of content until other content with greater dependencies has been made first. At every turn, we do our best to choose the long road by avoiding doing rushed, throw-away work, and instead are building from the foundation-up with an eye towards building a sustainable, stable, fully featured game experience.

The advantages of this approach are far-reaching but can be seen most clearly in SnowPlay - our own custom RTS technology layer - which was developed first (before the start of our work on game content) and has provided the architecture needed to support robust features like matchmaking, replays, and observers, even during our early Alpha and Closed Beta phases.

MULTIPLE GAME MODES, ONE RTS Part of how we make this balancing act work when we have a very small development team is by having each mode fill a very specific role for us, while making sure that they each contribute to the overall game project.

Competitive 1v1, for example, is where we dial in core features, such as unit movement, selection, and responsiveness as well as how the tech trees feel, how different terrain types affect gameplay, and how our map sizes and camera position interact with each other to provide the best player experience.

We are intentionally building each 1v1 map to have unique characteristics compared to the others - often varying wildly in size, terrain density, amount of open space, Creep placement, resource positioning, ramp width, etc. This variety allows us to get feedback from the community about what players like or don’t like, as well as to collect actual hard data on win rates so that we can identify the reasons why each faction might favor (or struggle with) different map types.

At this stage of development, the visuals for maps are a distant secondary concern to how they help us improve the feel of gameplay. In fact, none of our 1v1 maps has received any sort of formal art treatment beyond a level designer quickly applying basic tilesets of ground textures and doodad props.

Environmental art is a huge part of what gives an RTS its final “look”, and we intentionally haven’t dedicated significant resources on this area–for good reason. Hardening the art on our maps too early would hinder our ability to adjust the layout based on community feedback (or would result in lost work when we effectively throw out a fully-artified map in order to take it back to the drawing board and make improvements). You can expect to see visual changes to our 1v1 maps in the future as we finalize their layouts and do art passes on them, including changing tilesets, adding landmarks and distinctive visual elements, and incorporating additional terrain types. We have yet to show you the final quality bar we’re aiming for on our maps, but when we do, we think the impact will be significant.

We have a couple new 1v1 maps ready that will be included in our next playtest, as well as updates to some of our original layouts. We’re also going to add a randomized map pool to make the competition on the ladder more interesting.

Cooperative 3vE, by comparison, is used more as our testbed for teamplay and experimental gameplay ideas. Risky “out-there” ideas are almost always implemented in Co-op first so we can try things out and experiment.

Sometimes we like these ideas so much that we migrate them into 1v1. For example, if we find a Hero-specific unit or ability that we love, we can find a way to integrate it into the base faction or in other modes. We recently tried out our “interactive corpses'' feature with Maloc’s Burned Ones in Co-op, but the feature will be expanded into a wider range of core faction abilities in the future. That way, our designers can experiment with an entirely new set of ability archetypes like resurrection, animate dead, cannibalize, or even corpse explosions. Similarly, the Infernal top-bar ability to spawn an Effigy started out as a co-op Hero ability, but was promoted into the core Infernal faction after playtesters responded very positively to it.

We also use Cooperative mode to push our tools and Editor capabilities, because essentially each new scenario or our mutators are built by our design team by “modding” our gameplay using the same tools that will be released to the community. We shared a little about what the Editor looks like at this stage recently at GDC, in case you missed it.[playstormgate.com]

Campaign is where we bring our game world to life. This is where we introduce our heroes and villains, where the tone of our game world and conflicts are established, and where many players will ultimately decide which faction they’ll prefer to root for and identify with. Because of this, the Campaign narrative heavily drives our decision making process about which assets we should develop and in which order we should prioritize them.

Because of our relatively small team size, we don’t have the ability to make many completely unique environment and character assets for each game mode. Instead, we plan around what the storyline for Campaign requires, and then we circle back to the other modes and incorporate those campaign assets where it makes sense. This is an age-old practice in RTS development (including on every RTS project that I’ve been a part of) and it is very effective at “force multiplying” our output by allowing Campaign assets to be reused, repurposed, and creatively tweaked in numerous ways by the development team.

However, an unfortunate side effect of this is that because we have not been able to share a lot about our Campaigns yet, we have also not been able to share a lot of the over-the-horizon content that we’ve been building for it–content that you can look forward to being incorporated into our competitive and cooperative modes in the future… This is one of the first things that I’d like to start sharing more about with you.

DEVELOPMENT PROGRESS - CAMPAIGN Our first six Campaign missions are well underway and are in a playable state. Our team is playtesting and giving feedback on these campaign missions each week.

We still have a lot of work ahead–these missions will be in an early state at the start of Early Access and we will be working directly with the community to improve them on our road to 1.0, but we’re already actively iterating on every aspect of the missions in order to make them as fun as possible.

In the grand traditions of Blizzard campaigns, we are working hard to give each mission its own unique gameplay twists, distinctive environments, and memorable enemies, including entirely campaign-specific characters and minibosses.

Some of the things that we’re currently working on for the Campaign include:

New Environment Biomes (or “Tilesets”)
  • Our story is set in a post-apocalyptic world that has been ravaged by war and invasion for decades. Even though you’ve mostly only seen a green forest so far, we are well underway on building out a range of more apocalyptic environments, including a destroyed cityscape, ruined science facilities, desolate desert wastelands, and some ancient underground vaults.
  • Once these environments are finished, we will circle back to the other modes and incorporate these tilesets into our existing 1v1 and Co-op maps - so you’ll see a gradual conversion of our basic forest levels into wastelands and urban ruins.
  • I’ll share some samples of the assets we’re creating to build out Stormgate’s destroyed cityscape below.

New “Time of Day” lighting states
  • We have missions that occur at night, dawn or dusk, or even underground in pitch darkness.
  • The dark environments will be coupled with unit lights (including headlights and flashlights) to illuminate where your troops are.
  • These lighting states include the ability for designers (and content creators) to trigger day/night changes (As a repeating cycle, or one-off transitions).

New Water Terrain Type
  • Many of our missions involve water in one form or another, including swamps, rivers, and the ocean. We are well underway on a water solution that can influence gameplay in some awesome ways while being just as easy (if not easier) to place in the Editor as WarCraft III’s water.
  • Water prohibits building placement, includes shallow/deep delineation, and enough pathfinding flexibility to allow some units to be blocked by shallow or deep water while allowing others to travel over (or through) it.
  • No, we’re not building naval units into our initial factions… but, yes, naval movement is being supported out-of-the-box with our editor so that YOU can, if that’s your thing.

New Weather Effects
  • Several campaign missions feature weather effects such as monsoon-level rainstorms, heavy wind that blows trees and grass around, lightning strikes, and even tornados that wander around the landscape destroying things they hit.
  • Yes, we’re going to release these for modders and content creators to use in creative ways as part of our Editor.

Neutral Buildings
  • Several types of interactive structures will be encountered throughout the campaign, including the cantinas that serve as watering holes for hireable mercenaries and the lost vaults that often contain special team-wide bonuses.
  • These will eventually be used on maps in other modes, but are being built initially to fill Campaign needs.

Story Characters
  • The storyline we’re creating involves a wide range of characters that are not part of our core 1v1 faction or our co-op Heroes. These have taken a lot of effort to make, and we’ll share some specific examples in the weeks ahead.
  • Some of the characters are “named” protagonists or antagonists that may be elevated to co-op Hero status in the future. But for now, they are unique to Campaign missions - each treated as a Hero-equivalent with their own special models, animations, voices, abilities, and attacks to look forward to.
  • Other characters are less unique and will primarily help fill out the game world, including scientists, prisoners, marauders, and a whole range of animal critters and deadly monsters.
  • Here’s a sneak peek at the “Pygmy Jerboa” critter that lives in our desolate desert “Deadlands” tileset. It’s wise in the ways of the desert and creates its own water.:

Campaign-specific Features
  • Campaigns are often more complex beneath-the-hood than they might seem to be on the surface. They tend to require a lot of special features and technology (definitely the case with ours!) and we have made great progress towards implementing a lot of special requirements that aren’t currently visible to players in our Alpha and Beta playtests, including:
  • Saving / Loading / Transitioning directly between maps without exiting back out to the menus.
  • “Black Mask” to completely obscure unexplored areas.
  • An “Item system” that allows Hero units to be able to pick up and use items during missions, like a quest objective, key, or medkit.
  • A Mission Briefing screen that gives players a narrative update and a preview of their mission objectives before actually starting the mission.
  • Special equipment options that can be equipped in the Mission Briefing Screen to customize the effectiveness of your force in the upcoming mission.

Watch The Video Developer Update

Thank you for reading this far. Along with this dev blog, we also recorded a development update video that includes a first look at many of the things we’ve been working on recently, including a new plague-spreading Infernal unit, the Hexen.

We’re grateful to all of you who have been a part of our journey so far and we can’t wait to show you what we’ve been building in our next closed beta playtest, which we’re planning to release for our playtesters on April 30. Please let us know what you think by joining us on the official Stormgate Discord[discord.gg].

See you in Stormgate!

-Tim Campbell, Game Director