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With the B-Wing coming in as a second bomber or the Republic and the TIE/D coming for a second fighter for the Remnant then what can we feasibly see to go alongside the other classes?

I can see Z-95 Headhunters coming as an alternative to the X-Wing and maybe the LAAT as a secondary to the U-Wing. The Naboo Starfighter can even be a secondary to the A-Wing

As for empire I can see the TIE Advanced coming as an interceptor or even the ETA-2 ACTIS. The TIE Punisher can come in to become a heavier and slower alternative to the TIE/SA Bomber but I have no idea on what can be an alternative to the Reaper.

Thoughts? Suggestions?

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about 4 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

As much as I adore these conversations, I do want to remind everyone that this isn't a live service game. I don't want you all expecting more to come when the content we're adding (this month and last) is just a thank you gift for your incredible support.

about 4 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Originally posted by The_Literal_Wurst

I think the majority of us are hoping that the content your team added is a sign that our positive reactions were enough to get through to the accountants at least a little bit.

I personally hope that our reaction helps convince the money people in modern game companies that a game with this kind of style and gameplay is a largely unfulfilled market opportunity, and that we are willing to pay as much or more than we have already for this kind of content.

Haha, all good. I get it, and I really do love how passionate you all are. (Just like us!) Let me give a quick explanation about some behind-the-scenes stuff for anyone curious.

In the end, it's not just about money, but probably much more so about time--the most finite resource we have. This game was made as a promise to both ourselves and to our players to be a standalone product that we could be proud of and know was solid through and through without the need for ongoing support. From the dev side of things, that means it'll be time for people to work on what's next for them, and some already have if they're done their work. That's just how games are made, really.

Trust me, it's shocking how much of game development is timelines and schedules, but that's what keeps everything moving smoothly. If we change those plans now, it'll affect the next project pretty severely since they won't get the devs they're expecting. It's all a balancing act and I think we're doing right by everyone with the choices we've made, especially since we were upfront with all of you about what this game is and isn't. I just don't want you to set up your expectations for disappointment.

about 4 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

Originally posted by The_Literal_Wurst

As a project management guy, I am glad you guys have your priorities straight. I tend to use cost and schedule interchangeably by practice (cue the “Time is money, friend” WoW goblins), but you’re totally right. The deadliest thing to any project is to rescope work or change the specs.

Aside from all that, though, I appreciate your engagement most of all. Thank you for the relatively “open kimono” approach to the front facing aspect of the project. It’s nice to see and goes a long way towards EA’s reputation in my eyes.

Hahaha, glad you understand! I always worry about using dev terms, but hey, I'd rather explain myself a few times so everyone is on the same page than leave you all in the dark.

And thank you, that means a lot!