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So I'm playing Ranked Fleet. My wife, pregnant with our first child comes into the game room.

She sweetly asks "Are you in an online game?”

Every Thursday night we take a photo or her belly. She really wanted to take the photo so she could get to bed.

Now, as much love as I have for Star Wars and this game, that's more important.

So I boost back to the capital ship, (we're on offense), no time to go in the hanger, get in the shields, put the X-wing in park.

I go and take the photo. No idea how long I'm gone. I come back, X-wing still there, not a scratch. I hop on the mic and say to my party of strangers, "Hey, everyone, so sorry I was afk for so long, we're pregnant and we take a pic every night."

The chat blew up with things like "Dude that's awesome!” "No worries!” and "Congratulations!”

It was really great. Thanks for being part of this game, everyone. You all rule.

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over 4 years ago - /u/EA_Charlemagne - Direct link

That’s just wonderful. And congratulations to you and your wife!