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almost 4 years ago - /u/tibermoon - Direct link

Originally posted by GoatHumper

I have a question hopefully Charlemagne/Tibermoon can answer: will there be any attempt to fix the 50 SR penalty on non-player-fault disconnects?

More generally: players that don't willingly disconnect from matches can still get hit by the 50 SR penalty, which is obviously unfair (and harsh, when grinding rank)... is there anything that can be done to fix this without outright removing the dodger penalty?

Specifically, I'm thinking of game crashes and server-side kicks as unfair sources of the leaver penalty. I'm still of two minds regarding leaver penalties being applied on network disconnects where neither party is at fault (the shit happens factor), but I'd be OK with that being left as-is.

Hopefully they read this and can offer up a response...

Unfortunately there's no way for the game to recognize the difference between "you hit ALT-F4" and "your ISP just exploded," so for this sort of thing our options are either have the leaver penalty or don't.

Based on the overall negative impact we saw on the community when we did not have the leaver penalty, current inclination is to leave it as is. It's not perfect, but seems to cause much more good than harm on balance.