Hey! I’ve been playing more support than anything else, and I’ve got to say it feels pretty balanced. I can’t say I’ve ever been in a situation where I’ve felt like I was in a position where I couldn’t do anything because of the role, rather than myself, given that all things match made and otherwise were equal. I do wish that some options felt a little more viable (longer range on targeting beacons would feel good, though I’m not sure if that would be broken) and I’m curious about the mechanics/lock on of some abilities.
For example, tactical shield will often override your selected target for someone else, which can feel pretty bad given it’s long cool down. The auto lock on for it also doesn’t differentiate between those who have an overcharged shield/shielding already placed on them, and those who don’t, which can lead to redundant shielding or missing out on a clutch save. A question I have is as to whether or not the shielding applies even if the ally is out of FOV. The lock on still enables you to use it, unlike supply droid which insists that you be within a strict alignment, but I’m never sure if it applies the shield, or if the shield breaks upon contact with an object like the droid does.
If I’ve said anything that you know is incorrect, please let me know, I only have about 30 hours in the game and a lot of this is anecdotal rather than actually tested, but I’d be more than happy to talk more about it!
Edit: thanks to u/Lightguardianjack for helping me realize some of my language wasn’t clear in the above comment! I will copy my response to their comment below;
Sorry, I should have clarified, when I say out of FOV, I mean specifically in an instance where your ally is obstructed (behind an asteroid/ship) and the lock on still allows you to launch the shield. It is hard to tell whether the shield has applied because your ally has moved in a way that the shield missile has found an unobstructed path, or whether the application of the shield is not affected by objects in its path.