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I haven't seen this and couldn't find another instance discussed. In my fleet climb today I got the enemy fleet down to Ahsoka and Clone Sergeant. (Negotiator mirror match; my ships were Houndstooth, JKA, Xanadu Blood, Plo, 5s). Both enemy ships had unending loyalty. I triggered Ahsokas and she stealthed so I refocused to CS. He was down to his last health but no attack would trigger his UL to activate. He was debuffed with target lock, breach, offense and defense down, and daze. His only buff was unending loyalty.

He wasn't evading attacks, and they were showing damage numbers, but nothing was reducing his health any further. This went on for maybe a half dozen attacks until finally Plo was called as a reinforcement, both clearing the debuffs and allowing me to target someone else for a while.

I ended up winning, but it was closer to timing out than I'd prefer and should have been a win at least 30 seconds earlier.

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over 3 years ago - /u/EA_HighCommand - Direct link

Yeah, that bug can occur with any ship that has unending loyalty applied to it.