Original Post — Direct link

Link to the Q&A: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/225031/developer-q-a-02-27-2020/p1?new=1

Now listen, I’m not gunna waste my life transcribing and translating lengthy, wordy bullsh*t that amounts to empty words. So you’ll notice a number of times where I’ve taken liberties with the questions and answers. It shouldn’t be too hard to spot. I’m making sure to get the key points across, and when there are no key points I’m gunna be sarcastic and cynical for my personal enjoyment. So I don’t wanna hear anything about “tHaT’s NoT wHaT tHeY sAiD”

Topics are: - General - Art - Economy - Content - Tech/Game Mechanics - QoL - Bonus Questions


Q: Will Epic Confrontations be added to the Journey Guide? When?

A: Yes, about a year after the first event

Q: You said new marquee toons wouldn’t be added to platoons, but they’ve been added to ship platoons in LSGTB

A: We meant that characters that aren’t in the game when the TB was first launched wouldn’t be in platoons

Q: Are you gunna add characters from the new clone wars season? Also, are you gunna fix Echo’s number?

A: Not gunna change Echo’s number. (No answer on new CW characters)

Q: How are the Raddus and Finalizer intended to fit into the meta?

A: They’re meant to shake up the meta, but not replace it. We’re trying to add a lot of capital ships to the game now, but we might add supporting ships to fleets to make them meta, or just stronger, in the future

Q: Why don’t you use the in-game inbox more often?

A It gets full too easily and is too limited

Q: What new game modes are you adding for ships?

A: We’re working on new game modes that “will make all units exciting”

Q: Do you plan on adding more empire ships, in particular an empire tank?

A: TIE Bomber is cool. (Deliberate non answer)

Q: How will tickets for GL events work? If you lose an attempt, do you lose your accumulated tickets too?

A: Yes, but the event will be easier than epic confrontations

Q: Are we going to be able to get portraits for feats in GAC again if we missed them in the past?

A: We’ve got no plans for that, but we might do it

Q: Why use HT, EH and Lando’s Falcon for the Raddus?

A: Not enough resistance ships, so we used ships that will synergise with the fleet too

Q: Why don’t you rotate arena shards?

A: We don’t want to make people mad

Q: Inane personal question that every AMA has

A: Equally inane answer

Q: Knowing GL requirements far in advance is good, are you gunna do this again?

A: We plan to do this again, in the same way, but make no promises

Q: How do you decide which characters get to be Legendaries, Hero’s Journeys, Ancient Journeys, Epic Confrontations and Galactic Legends?

A: We base it on how we expect them to impact the game. Also, we haven’t yet decided on a name for Galactic Legend events

Q: Does the game’s code suck and that’s why you can’t make new content faster?

A: I have no memory of sucky game code. We are however working on a certain type of something that will somehow help to make new content easier for us to create. I think. Maybe? What was the question?

Q: Have you finished designing the GLs?

A: Nope

Q: Why don’t you answer hard questions in Q&As?

A: Because I remember what happened to Carrie


Q: Any plans to update the designs for older characters?

A: Probably not unless they get a rework or touch up

Q: Can you bring back the yellow favourite flag?

A: No, where we moved it to, it risks blending with the yellow of stars on small devices. Silver it is, sorry

Q: Do you ever suggest original characters for the game? As in, new characters that aren’t in any other media?

A: Not often, and not really. We spend most of our time on existing characters that people want to see added

Q: Res Hero Poe looks incredible, are all characters going to look that good from now on?

A: Yes

Q: What criteria do animations go through before they’re decided upon and created? Also, can we get the ability to see ability animations from the character screen?

A: 1. Reference source material 2. What would we reasonably expect from this character 3. Do we have the tech for this 4. Does it fit the ability type and kit 5. Does this character warrant such attention and creativity 6. Misc other things. Also, no

Q: Are you gunna put Chewie’s bandolier on the correct side on the loading screen?

A: Probably not


Q: What are you going to do about the gear crunch

A: More challenge tiers for assault battles. Nothing else. Get used to the grind peasants

Q: You got any more of them Hyperdrive Bundles?

A: No, we’re not going to make any more packs/bundles like the Hyperdrive Bundle

Q: Are you gunna let us slice 4-dot mods into 5-dot mods?

A: No

Q: Are you gunna remove 4-dot mods from the higher tiers of the mod challenge battles?

A: No


Q: Are there going to be more legendary and hero journey events?

A: Yes

Q: Are you fixing the game’s code to allow you to make more content faster?

A: No, but also yes (insert lengthy monologue about a new feature that allows better content creation, but also don’t say anything about said feature, only that it’s “coming”)

Q: Do players ever suggest anything that you haven’t thought of first?

A: Not often

Q: Are Mythic events returning?

A: They have returned, and will continue to return each month

Q: Any plans to add the other fleet mastery events to the journey guide?

A: No

Q: What do you consider to be “new content”?

A: “When I say 'new' content I mean wholly-new and fresh experiences served up to our players at regular intervals.”

Q: Will there be more PvE content besides character events?

A: Yes, we’re actually building a new PvE mode right now

Q: Will you make an infinite journey mode similar to Galactic War that just keeps going?

A: Not exactly, but we’re adding aspects of that to the new PvE mode

Tech/Game Mechanics

Q: What determines the order that allies attack in a “mass assist” attack?

A: Lots of factors, including squad placement order. Do some experimenting and figure it out yourself

Q: Will non-combat characters be given a better boost from relics?

A: Not right now. Maybe when we add more Relic levels


Q: Will you add a confirmation button for GAC or the chance to cancel and register again?

A: No we won’t allow players to cancel and register. (Nothing about a confirmation button)

Q: Can we get a TB review period?

A: Probably not, but we might add a way to check TB History

Bonus Questions

Courtesy of u/LendersQuiz, here are some extra questions from the comments

Q: What happened to the puzzle you were working on?

A: It was for General Skywalker, but I scrapped it for a number of reasons

Q: When will we get a Princess Leia Portrait?

A: Unfortunately not possible at the moment

Q: Sandbox mode?

A: Not right now, but our new PvE mode will have sandbox elements

Q: When will you rework Jawas?

A: (Gif of the Mandalorian vaporising a Jawa)

Q: Please add an option to disable auto-sort in mods and add an option to reverse-sort

A: We’re working on a big Mod QOL update, will add this to the list

Q: Can we make raids part of the journey guide, just for practice?

A: No, but we might be able to work something along the same lines into a sandbox mode

Q: Can old Marquee events be added to the Journey Guide?

A: No, but we’re “thinking about” more catchup mechanics for new players

Q: Yet another inane personal question

A: A surprisingly thoughtful and interesting... yeah I can’t even finish the sentence. Of course it’s nothing even remotely interesting

External link →
over 4 years ago - /u/CG_SBCrumb - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Hey folks, was just chatting with Cyanides about this and to clarify, we are still planning to update the Mod Challenges at some point in the future. He was referring to keeping older events, like Tier 1 of Forest Moon for example, with mod rewards the same and not the Mod Challenges that Cyanides was referred in the previous Q&A. Apologies for the confusion