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I misplaced my GAC matchup and was left facing Padme/JKA/Ahsoka without a real counter so I just started trying random teams to see if anything might work.

One attempt was Veers/Piett/Gideon. I was able to hit Gideon's special right away, which I thought might give me a shot bc it was going to remove a lot of TM--which can't be resisted. So I hit the button, and no TM was removed. I thought maybe I just missed it somehow, so when the cooldown reset and I tried again I watched closer...and again no TM was removed from anyone.

Looking at those three kits, the closest explanation I can find is Padmes Always a Choice, which prevents ALLIES from gaining or losing BONUS turn meter. But that still doesn't explain it. This isn't like Vader's "immune to turn meter manipulation," instead it's addressed to only bonus TM. And since they can't GAIN bonus TM, that means the answer can't be that Padme was only preventing them from losing bonus TM since they never would have had it in the first place. And it can't be because they had protection up, because they didn't have protection up the first time at least. Plus protection up causes them to resist debuffs and TM reduction isn't a debuff and even if it was Gideon's kit says it can't be resisted.

So basically, Gideon's TM removal failed to land twice and I can't find any explanation for it.

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over 3 years ago - /u/EA_HighCommand - Direct link

I agree that the wording can be a bit confusing. Unfortunately, without making it too wordy/repetitive there is no easy way to make the description reflecting 100% correctly as to what the unique ability is supposed to do.

TLDR: The ability does what it should, just the description might be a bit confusing.

over 3 years ago - /u/EA_HighCommand - Direct link

Originally posted by Commentnotcomment

"allies cannot gain bonus TM and are immune to TM manipulation"? That only adds 6 words to the ability description and then correctly states what is happening.

Well, you can swap turn meter, so that would be considered turn meter manipulation.