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I just looked at Ahnaldt unlocking Kneesaa and replaying the c3po event, and noticed Kneesaa now in the end animation


Double checked the old c3po unlock end animation


Fair play CG

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12 months ago - /u/Raging-Spaniard - Direct link

Lol yeah lemme explain how these cinematics work since I, well, made them. Some art jargon incoming:

When you make a cinematic, it involves a prefab (a Unity engine thing) that basically contains all that you need for the cinematic to play. Obviously the smaller these things are the better since you dont want to invoke long loading times or make an already big game SDK size even bigger so as often as possible we add markers to the prefab that reference something thats already loaded. Otherwise I would need to include a character or an environment as part of the prefab, with all of its models, textures, rigs, etc, so you can easily see how that could become a problem. In this case, the cinematic just says "party member on slot 1 (or 2, 3, whatever) sit here and play this generic animation" and it will just use whatever is available.

As an example, Starkiller is actually pretty crazy because of his star destroyer attack. That character prefab not only has his character model and textures, but ALSO an entire space environment AND a star destroyer. That probably makes him the most expensive character in the game from a memory budget standpoint.

Anyways, there you go

12 months ago - /u/Raging-Spaniard - Direct link

Originally posted by Here-Is-TheEnd

Y’all wrote this in unity?

Game was built in Unity, yeah. Most mobile games are

12 months ago - /u/Raging-Spaniard - Direct link

Originally posted by SnooMuffins3131

Wow, thanks for the explanation and insight! I'm wondering if Jabbas ultimate has the raid cinematic in there as well?

No, Jabbas unit (his prefab) should have an ultimate cinematic prefab inside of him (heyo!) which has the Rancor Unit, but not the whole raid or anything.

Thats the system as it was built when we created ultimate abilities a couple of years ago, theres a chance the system has changed since I left, as we were trying to stop using the cinematic plugin called Cinema Director (which, uhm, sucks) and replace it with Unity's own system for cinematics called Timeline (which was added after SWGoH released, forcing us to make do with inferior tools, it s a whole thing). Hopefully they have managed to make improvements there, which I would expect since those guys and gals are badass.