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Guys from my shard made some research on Darth Revan bug. Big thanks to them!Let's make some hype!

Here is bug report on forum:


*Darth Revan doesn't attack targets with cbm/fear/deathmark debuff a second time as stated in the description of his "villain" ability.*This part is the most interesting. After numerous tests we located two possible reasons of this bug: assists or stuns applied to Darth Revan. Both these things can't work on him (except some special stuns) and after such impacts Darth Revan become buggy. Recent test of stun impact showed that stuns applied to Darth Revan cause this bug. I attached to this post video of the test. And additionally another video of my arena mate how this bug prevents in climbing every day. This is previous topic - https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Darth-Revan-Villain-bug/td-p/8871330. It was long time ago but there are no fixes. Now we found circumstances of bug occurrence and I hope you can fix it soon.

Same issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/hulag7/bug_darth_revan_didnt_do_double_attack_on_target/


Darth revan bug with bonus attack

External link →
about 4 years ago - /u/EA_UltraSlide - Direct link

This one has already been flagged as a bug.

about 4 years ago - /u/EA_UltraSlide - Direct link

Originally posted by GonnaTossItAway

Yeah, we know.

Is a fix being worked on? Especially since the community did the work for you in figuring out what triggers the bug?

Darth Revan bug footage + investigation

There is currently no ETA for a fix.