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MVP- SB Crumb

Now give us a fooking puzzle!

Crumb came out STRONG swinging hard against the haters who accuse him of not doing his job! The fact that you fielded the question and answered so confidently earns you the unanimous MVP award as voted by our judge (me)

Also, everybody who meets you in person only says good things about you, plus you put on the charity stream for the UC Davis Children's Hospital. Congratulations on earning this honor!

Defensive Player of the Year- Tophat

If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen

Game Changer? What's a game changer? Oh, that thing we hyped the sh*t out of a year ago, then killed shortly after? Who are these Ahnald and Mobile Gamer people you speak of? Yeah, we have heard of these videos some crybaby YouTubers make about the game, but we don't really care about any one personality! We pay attention to the community sentiment, which is HEALTHY and VIBRANT! Did you guys know about the Galactic War Report? We basically pretended they didn't exist for a while, but figured we would go back on their show to appease the crybabies.

Most Outstanding Point Guard (Best Assist) - Cyanides

This man knows how to deliver an assist

Very thoughtful of you to give career advice in the Q&A. No snark, I just thought it was very nice thing.

Rookie of the Year- Vyeking

Vyeking's mitichlorian count is off the charts, but EA has not turned him to the Darkside yet

You started out with a whimper, answering a question about if there is First Order content planned, then went on to answer several questions about the state of content in the game without reverting to mindless corporate drivel. Congratulations! We will watch your career with great interest.

Participation Ribbon- SvenGG


Generic congratulatory message for providing extremely generic answers today.

Honorable mention- Miller

Mental Gymnastics Award- Tophat


For that nonsensical answer to why you give GET to people who got extra Malak shards but nobody else, particularly the people who followed your instruction to not do the event.

Best Question- Boomer


Sincerely, CG, thanks for doing the Q&A and going on the Galactic War Report. Please accept these awards in the spirit in which they are delivered- all in good fun. We all want you to be more open, and the Q&A and interviews are steps in the right direction. It seemed odd to me that you guys closed off communication for so long because I feel the interviews humanize you as you talk about the challenges involved in what you are trying to deliver to the community. Maybe one day we will see you make a return to one of those crybaby YouTube channels, but only if they agree to not cover Panda Champions!

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almost 5 years ago - /u/CG_SBCrumb - Direct link

This is awesome and we had a good laugh! Thanks for putting this together,

I think we are getting better at these Q&As each time.

almost 5 years ago - /u/CG_SBCrumb - Direct link

Originally posted by ButtrmlkPncaks

Thanks for doing the q&a! If you get a chance, tell Cyanides I said thanks for answering my question about career advice. I know this is a q&a around the game so it was awesome of him to take time to put together such a well thought answer!

Will do!