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about 4 years ago - /u/Raging-Spaniard - Direct link

As a fun aside you guys have to idea how hard it is to come up with icons for buffs and debuffs, we give the design team a lot of grief everytime a new one comes up. Like, come on, we already have "rage" and now you want "grief"? Wait what is it now, "ferocity"?? I'm fully expecting "slight displeasure", "temporary contentment" and "rudimentary disagreement" to make it in the game now that I'm not there to yell them about it.

about 4 years ago - /u/Raging-Spaniard - Direct link

Originally posted by fighting_cacti

I mean they are all great, but fear in particular will always make me chuckle. That one is gold. I also think of all of them, fracture is iconic but I’m not exactly sure why. That’s a hilarious peak behind the scenes though 😂

Fear was one of the easy ones, that one is straight out of KoToR with a few edits. It was too cool not to use, although we did have to explain it a bit, haha.

about 4 years ago - /u/Raging-Spaniard - Direct link

Originally posted by filthylenses

Please get them to make a “visible confusion” debuff

My favorites where the ones for Sion when pain becomes madness and the skull starts screaming. That one was all me and I was not expecting to get it approved like, at all lol