It’ll be Jawas just cuz.
It’ll be Jawas just cuz.
It’ll be Jawas just cuz.
This guy gets it.
I trust this guy, because he knows that the previous guy gets it, which means he seems like he knows what he's talking about. Take an upvote!
Hey CG_SithA**, errrr, TopHat, we got an upvote!
Hey CG_SithA**, errrr, TopHat, we got an upvote!
That means we get to use the computer! MS Paint here we come!
Now if only that upvote could turn into an interview. This guy's work contract ends in 3 weeks. LOL
Edit: I'll bring the maple syrup.
Who has two thumbs, is from WI and has legit made maple syrup? This guy.
Edit: /u/CG_SBCrumb loves pancakes.
Woah woah woah, too much excitement here. Careful around the laptop guys. Congratulations on having a second computer by the way. We seen a photo of it! Haha
Maple syrup + laptop, not good.