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I completed tier 3 of the GL REY event, which would give me 50 shards, but at the time of receiving it gave the error message that I attached for you, when I opened the game again, I had lost the 60 coins that are spent to make the stage , and I did not receive the shards, I entered the support by EA and asked to clear the cache, and then look if I would have received the shards, I did everything they asked for and nothing, then they said that they could not help any more and closed the call. then when i came back to the event it was listed that i made 3 stars in grade 3, which would give me 50 shards, if grade 1 of 10 shards grade 2 of 25 shards and grade 3 of 50 I would have to have at least 85 shards , but I only have 65 (referring to 4 times I played grade 1 and 1 time grade 2), with 50 shards of grade 3 I was supposed to be 115. I opened another call again, sent a print of the 3 grades with 3 stars of concluded, and print that I only have 65 shards, that even though I did only 1 time each degree, I would have at least 85 shards, the case will be sent to a specialist according to the call attendant, and the next one was sent to me message "See we did a very detailed search in the SWGOH system, we went to all your items and receipts. And we found the fragments (in this case we call Shards) from Rey that you received yesterday. Received PvE Battle Reward from GALACTIC Event: HEIR TO THE LIGHT SIDE Galactic Ascension Normal (EVENTS: GALACTIC: NORMAL_DIFF: CAMPAIGN_EVENT_REY_GALACTICLEGEND: TIER03). EVENT_REY_GALACTICLEGEND [collapse] 50 Rey. You may not understand what is written but inform that 50 shards have been delivered to your account. In that case I won't be able to help you. "And they closed the call again. How did I receive the 50 shards if I sent the print that I only have 65? And to do grade 3, you must have done grade 1 and grade 2, which already gives 35 shards, with that supposed 50 they gave me would I have 85? already proves that something is wrong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPrQZM\_CzoQ link the video that proves I didn't get the 50 shards.


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almost 4 years ago - /u/EA_HighCommand - Direct link

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