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Has this happened to anyone else? On both of my runs today when I got to wave 3 Krennic preempted Han shooting first! I wasn’t paying close enough attention the first time, but the second time I watched closely. When wave 3 started up Han had 100% TM, but so did the enemies, and Krennic went before Han stunning him. To top it off, when Han’s turn came up after sitting out a round from the stun his specials were all locked out like it was his Shoot First turn , and his basic did stun the target.

My best guess is that this is a bug caused by the new initiative system with preloaded TM, but it is obviously unintentional since Han is only ever supposed to lose initiative to another faster Han. ALSO this means that Krennic stunned Han through Chewie’s guard!

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about 4 years ago - /u/EA_UltraSlide - Direct link

Hey and thanks for reporting this. We have already raised it as a bug.