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I just tried T5 of today’s galactic challenge and lost. Here were the first-time rewards before i attempted it: https://imgur.com/gallery/l8lTHkv. When i came back to the event, the first-time rewards weren’t even showing up at the bottom of the screen for me anymore: https://i.imgur.com/vtwZwCR.jpg

And yes i can confirm that i did not get these rewards when i beat it afterwards. A couple guildmates also told me they got the loot when they beat it 1st attempt and didn’t when they failed (for all tiers T5-T7).

This is unfair CG, please compensate.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/EA_UltraSlide - Direct link

Hi guys, to receive the first time rewards, you do not have to beat the tier of the Galactic challenge on your first attempt.

The team are currently investigating the cause of the missing rewards.

For any reports of missing gear from the Galactic Challenges, please reach out to our Support Team who will be able to help you.