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I’m on iPhone XR and today I’ve noticed that in battles some of the sound effects have stopped working. Best I can describe is that it’s as though a left center/right center audio channel is faulty. Attacks coming from middle right or middle left aren’t playing a sound effect half the time. This issue also shows up when selecting characters to attack in that zone.

I tried restarting both the phone and game, setting audio to mono, but the issue is still there. I don’t recall this happening before today’s update so I’m wondering if anyone else is experiencing this or has experienced it and found a way to fix it.

The animations are fine and performance is entirely normal outside of this issue. I also tried to trigger it in other apps or with channel speaker tests, but those are all working fine and show full speaker functionality. It’s really annoying :-(

Edit -

It’s intermittent in that the correct sound will play about 50% of the time. To illustrate, think of p4 sith and selecting between sion and nihilus but hearing no sound when doing so. It also happens at the same rate with attacks coming from that area.

External link →
almost 5 years ago - /u/EA_HighCommand - Direct link


What iOS are you on? We've tested this today but were unable to reproduce what you've described.