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Hi Everyone,

So, Hera's Play to Strenghts ability, with a Zeta is broken. It is supposed to remove all debuffs on a Phoenix alley, and it always has, until a recent patch where CG "apparently" fixed some sort of "bug" where it was sometimes removing daze from targets, presumably without having the zeta, or perhaps on a non-Phoenix ally.

There are no further details in the dev notes, so it's hard to say what prompted the fix, but, if you try to take away stun or daze on a Phx ally now, even with the Zeta, the game blocks the move.

I would like to invite the community to try to replicate this issue and draw attention to it, as it has made an already mediocre team, worse. I do not believe it was their intent to change the nature of her zeta, or they would have reworded the description to say "except stun and daze", but they didn't. So as long as stun and daze are still considered debuffs, then this is a bug. Kanan can still remove stun with his zeta, so I don't understand the change and it's worded similarly.



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about 4 years ago - /u/EA_HighCommand - Direct link

The order of operation is as the ability text states: Call to assist, then, if the ally is a Phoenix squad member, dispel all debuffs on them. If the target ally is dazed, you won't be able to call that ally to assist (this is consistent for all characters in the game) no matter if he/she is Phoenix or not. I hope this makes sense.

about 4 years ago - /u/EA_HighCommand - Direct link

Originally posted by b1tb0y1977

Thank you for the clarification. It's not the answer I was hoping for, as I still feel the change has hurt the team, which has operated in this manner since 2017. That said, I do follow the logic in the explanation, and so long as that is consistent in all cases, I can accept that and work around it. Appreciate the timely response. It will help with my GAC planning going forward.


No problem at all, glad it was helpful!