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It’s been weeks now and I haven’t seen this bug addressed.

Whenever I’m running my team in sith raid, Jedi training Rey bb8 c3po r2d2 and Finn, whenever ANYONE gets isolated it applies to JTR as well. This is ridiculous. She has ZERO debuffs and there’s no reason why she’s being treated as isolated AS WELL as the actual isolated toon. She WILL NOT attack out of turn no matter what as soon as someone else is isolated.

Edit; This is happening in phase 3 and 4. Removing isolation in phase 4 does not remove this bug from her either. She’s considered isolated for the entire match as soon as another toon is hit with it.

And yes, she has FULL stacks of translation and NO debuffs. She will not attack during c3po’s Zerg attack, and if bb8 calls her with his zeta she will not attack either.

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over 4 years ago - /u/EA_HighCommand - Direct link

Thanks for the report. We have already flagged this as a bug.

over 4 years ago - /u/EA_HighCommand - Direct link

Originally posted by ItsDeflyLupus

Thanks for the reply and affirmation. By chance is their a master list available of known bugs and their status?

Unfortunately, there isn't. Have a look at the Dev Tracker Trello board, that should cover some information: https://trello.com/b/vgQhKHMf/swgoh-developer-tracker