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Iā€™m just curious if cg has said anything about finding a use for our old stock piles gear. I know they made a comment about potentially adding a new tier to challenges and joked about how all the gear from the mace windu challenge was essentially useless but have they ever hinted they might find a use for them?

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over 5 years ago - /u/CG_Erik - Direct link

CG_Cyanides alluded to that we're looking at some ways of giving players value for accumulated gear, but we don't have a specific answer to share right now:
Q: How about a mechanism for fusing lower level gear into higher level gear i.e. 10 mk 4 stun guns makes 1 mk 5. -DocSweet770

  • A: CG_Cyanides: Fusing lower level gear into higher level gear is not something we're currently looking at. We are thinking about a few ways that your accumulated inventories of lower-level gear can be of some value for your collection and I am optimistic that we will eventually come up with something that makes longtime players happy.