about 3 years ago - CG_Doja_Fett_MINI - Direct link
Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today’s Update has begun rolling out to app stores as of this morning. You can check your app store to see if a new version is available or your client will be forced to update tomorrow once the roll out is complete. The following fixes will be live once you update your client.

  • GENERAL - Fixed an issue that caused a delay when loading into the character inventory.
  • GENERAL - Fixed an issue that caused the Facebook Invite Friends button to not work properly.
  • UNIT - Supreme Leader Kylo Ren’s unique 'Press the Advantage' now prevents defeated enemies from reviving.
  • EVENT - Fixed the Consumables Inventory in Conquest from displaying all Consumables when a specific category is selected and prevents players equipping a different consumable category that could result in an Out Of Sync error.