Original Post — Direct link

First off, a link to the actual Q&A, so you can browse yourself.

Now, onwards.

The REAL short version


  • Championship Store is gear only for the foreseeable future

  • Another Malak esqe event in the works

  • No 3PO or Chewie Mythic any time soon

  • No Sandbox. Or Guild Sandbox. GW being maaaaybe looked at though

Malak/Events in general

  • Malak/future Showdowns is his own event, don't expect a solid cadence for them until one is stated

  • Supposed to be more regular events, but something something accidentally a whole gigabyte of ram


  • Can be summed up with "It's the first one, we're looking into it"

  • G12/G13 being looked at regarding GP weight

  • Nothing much to be done about troll defence setting

  • No immediate plans to add anything to GAC store, toons, gear or otherwise

  • No plans for ELO based MM

  • GAC intended to test depth and breadth of a players collection

  • Potentially more divisions later on


Here's what the quarterly cadence will generally look like moving forward:

  • Month 1: Road Ahead

  • Month 2: State of the Galaxy

  • Month 3: State of the Galaxy

Road Ahead will be a general outline, State will be talking about issues and upcoming stuff in particular

Iconic Items

  • Both higher and lower tier gear to be used ...concern

  • Something different than just a gear exchange

  • utinni

  • Items intended to reinforce existing Attack/Tank/Support archetypes and act as additional rebalancing along with g13

  • Everyone's getting one

  • Most items will be weapons with few exceptions (No lizard boi for Thrawn)

Quality of Life stuff

  • Just read the thing for that, there's a lot of questions there.

General questions

  • Multi year plan includes new content and game modes, but will take time

  • No drop rate shenanigans for shards and gear

  • Cantina shard drop is 33%?

  • Ep9 stuff heavily hinted to follow Clone Wars stuff


External link →
about 5 years ago - /u/CG_SBCrumb - Direct link

Thanks for putting this together Future Man! I support anything we can do to remind people about Caley and his laptop