over 5 years
ago -
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In preparation for the introduction of our Grand Arena Championships, we’re intensifying our efforts to root out and prevent cheating in competitive play. These efforts include:
We are focused on creating a fair and fun environment for competitive play and wherever possible, we will attempt to rectify any impact to players who report, and are found to be affected by, cheating, so that they can continue to enjoy themselves and achieve their best results. Where possible, we will focus on rewarding players confirmed to have been impacted by cheaters with:
Please be sure to report any and all suspicious behavior to CG_Leviathan.
- Increased surveillance of leaderboard and battle data
- A zero tolerance policy for those identified as cheaters (the default action will be a perma-ban for any account found with cheated / hacked data)
- A new suite of data points and detection tools
- While we still put player reports to good use (send any suspect behavior reports directly to CG_Leviathan) we are excited about some new options at our disposal for finding illegitimate battles (possibly even before you’ve had a chance to report them).
- Additional team member hours allocated to the detection and eradication efforts
We are focused on creating a fair and fun environment for competitive play and wherever possible, we will attempt to rectify any impact to players who report, and are found to be affected by, cheating, so that they can continue to enjoy themselves and achieve their best results. Where possible, we will focus on rewarding players confirmed to have been impacted by cheaters with:
- the Championship Score they were deprived of by cheaters (if the Championship is still ongoing), and/or
- the resources / rewards they missed out on by being impacted by cheaters (if the Championship has finished)
Please be sure to report any and all suspicious behavior to CG_Leviathan.