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So, since the "get rid of toaster phones" update i've been encoutering a pretty weird lag issues.

Many reinstalls, cache clears... nothin' worked.
Galaxy s7, 8.0 android.

Basically, if i go out of the game but let the app run, when i come back, if i start a fight, it'll be laggy as HELL. Whatever the fight, whatever ships or toons.

Restarting the app DOES solve the issue; But having to restart the app on my phone every time i want to check discord is becoming really old really fast.

Any ideas of what's happening ?

Any guys around with the SAME ISSUE ?

( plz, don't comment if you have any OTHER issue to solve, there is other posts for those issues ... or just create your own... )

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about 5 years ago - /u/cg_hedgehog - Direct link

We are currently investigating reports of performance degradation specifically on the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S8 devices. If you feel comfortable doing so, would you please direct message your ally code to me? I'd love to look at some additional diagnostic information to help better track down this issue.