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With the massive availability of f2p Bounty Hunters and the importance of a rebel Chewie leading to potentiallly Jedi Luke or C3p0, I'm guessing this event is going to be beyond difficult. Think Thrawn levels of RNG and game breaking rules like in the last tier of scoundrels or thrawn mythic

So that being said, what would give me a better edge, Gear 12 or 6 dot god mods?

Right now, I have all the OG bounty hunters gear 11 with 2 maybe 3 possibly hitting gear 12 before the event. I coud either focus on gear or upgrade all my god tier mods to boost my lower geared BH


*edit I know you need geat 12 for 6 dot mods, so it would be 2 sets of 6 dots on two gear 12 or 5 gear 12 sh*t mods

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over 6 years ago - /u/Capgasp - Direct link

Originally posted by Damaged-

Thrawn was not difficult at all. The only reason it was, and is seen as difficult, is because one guy set a benchmark at G8, and that was then the assumed gear requirement to get it. 'Don't gear Phoenix, they can do it at G8, anymore is a waste'.... FTR I did the Thrawn event at G10, which is still a long way from max, and it was unbelievably easy.

People keep using the bare minimum to finish events, and then complain it's too hard.

I've said multiple times that the Thrawn event was tuned for G10 at the high end, and you're right in that people try it a lot at G8 a large number of times (our own data confirms this) essentially banging their head against a wall until they get very, very lucky. In an effort to try and mitigate that, I put the gear tuning recommendations into the descriptions of the tiers in the forthcoming Chewbacca event. Hopefully that helps.