almost 4 years ago - JackieKo - Direct link
1) I closed the thread because the discussion could be taken elsewhere which it has. The OP of that thread has posted here, in the thread I suggested to them. The post has not been removed. In the thread I closed, I stated the reasoning why it was closed. Information should be consolidated. Multiple threads made of similar topics or starting a new thread when the topic/discussion can already be found elsewhere is considered spamming.

2) As we have addressed several times already, we encourage players to use the proper channels to report problematic players and Guilds here.

3) Publicly posting about abusive or exploitative behavior goes against our Rules of Conduct which is why we regularly provide the link in point 2 to our players.
almost 4 years ago - JackieKo - Direct link
Do not create a narrative that doesn't exist. I am enforcing the rules of these forums. Asking people to adhere to the rules and our teams enforcing them when those rules are not being followed is what we are supposed to do.