over 2 years ago - BryantWood - Direct link

Hey Community!

Weve been keeping an eye on the inflow of Daily Resource Matrices, and will be making them easier to obtain in 7.1.1.

Weve increased inflow of Daily Resource Matrix from the following sources:
  • Group Finder Role in Need rewards 10 DRM (up from 5)
  • World Bosses reward 8 DRM on kill (up from 3)
  • Mission "[WEEKLY] Priority Targets" rewards 40 DRM (up from 20)
  • Weekly Missions for Heroic Areas reward 40 DRM (up from 20)
  • Weekly Missions for Daily Areas and Conquest Events reward 50 DRM (up from 25)
This will reduce the expected amount of Daily and Heroic missions required to upgrade gear as well as give players more options of sources for Daily Resource Matrices. Well continue to keep an eye on the flow of resources and make more adjustments as needed, so please keep the feedback coming!

See you on Dromund Kaas, I might join a party to help kill The First!