over 1 year ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Hi all!

Happy Shae Vizla early access day! I wanted to spin up a thread to keep info and updates regarding the server launch in one place, so I will be adding to this thread over time.  

First update is that we have opened the Shae Vizla server sub-forums so APAC players have a space to form their groups, Guilds, and post about community events. 

Reminder that our content creators will be celebrating launch for the next couple days, and they are hosting events and giving out codes. Full schedule here.

We are less than hour away from opening the server to Subscribers, and we're all really excited to share this journey with you. 

See you all soon! 

over 1 year ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Hi everyone, 

The Shae Vizla server is now open to Subscribers! We are aware that some players are experiencing issues with logging into the server and we are investigating these reports. Will post an update when I have one! 

over 1 year ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Hi again, 

The issue has been resolved. Thanks for your patience! 

over 1 year ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Hello everyone!

The Shae Vizla server is now open to all players! I'll unlock this thread so players are able to use it for discussion and/or report anything to do with the server. 

Welcome home, APAC players! 

over 1 year ago - JackieKo - Direct link
On 11/18/2023 at 4:47 PM, TrixxieTriss said:

 @JackieKo I had some other thoughts if you haven’t already put this in motion. 


Can I please 🙏 implore you to do some media coverage in Aussie gaming mags or Aussie gaming news sites or straight up MMO gaming sites. Just reach out to them & let them know that we have an APAC server again 








Also, maybe get STEAM to promote it too as I can find no official announcement about it on the swtor STEAM page.

My concern is the APAC gamers & Star Wars fans aren’t getting reached. And if they aren’t finding out, they won’t know to play. Which obviously means less players on the server & you ultimately closing it again.

Hey! I won't go into too many details, but the appropriate outlets were already notified. We have also been working on an email campaign as well and that's being finalized. I know you're very passionate about the server, so just know that we are too.

about 1 year ago - KeithKanneg - Direct link

Hi everyone, 

Wanted to chime in and give you all an update on where we stand with character transfers to the Shae Vizla server. 

  • One of our top priorities is keeping the economy on the Shae Vizla server stable.
  • We are still evaluating Shae Vizla player populations and activity to determine the best timeframe to open transfers to/from the server. We're reviewing a variety of data points, including (but not limited to), credits obtained, characters created, current character levels, Achievements, and more.  

There is a lot we are learning about the economy and introducing millions or billions of credits will negate our ability to make any refinements. I want to let you all know about some of the topics we are discussing behind the scenes. 

One point I do want to address upfront, when we initially launched the server, we said we intended to open transfers at a later time. That is still a possibility, but based on the data and sentiment we are seeing around protecting the economy, there now exists possibilities of restricting what is transferred over or not doing transfers at all.

Achievements are a major aspect of our game and once transferred, a player’s entire Legacy is also moved, rendering many Achievements to already be accomplished. We are considering limiting or completely restricting the transfer of credits and/or item stacks. This will help address the significant concern about the economy, but it doesn't address Achievements, so we are discussing compromises.  

Again, we are still evaluating everything and when we are ready to make a call, we will be communicating that ahead of time before anything is implemented. We'll also be taking player feedback into consideration regarding how transfers are done. 

What we are going to do now is continue to monitor the behaviors we see on the Shae Vizla server over the holiday break. When we come back, we’ll continue our discussions around character transfers and communicate with players about our intentions before we make a final decision.

Thanks all and happy holidays!

about 1 year ago - KeithKanneg - Direct link

Hello again, 

Gonna make this one follow up post for now as the team is getting ready to break for the upcoming holiday. 

I wanted to hop into this thread to generate conversation about what players (particularly those who are in the APAC region) want when it comes to character transfers for the Shae Vizla server. 

I want us to have a respectful conversation and/or friendly discourse about what's best for our players in the APAC region, and of course, for our game. Our ultimate goal is to have a healthy server that also provides the best home for our APAC players. 

We opened an APAC server to create a better overall experience for the regional players and grow the number of players in that region. We also had the unique opportunity to improve the economy by delaying and possibly restricting the amount of credits that flowed into the server. That is giving us very insightful details about what defines a healthy economy.

We also understand about Legacy (and character) transfers and wanting to leverage what you've already completed over the years.

As a reminder, we will be making a decision based on the data we see and the player feedback we receive. So far, here's what I'm reading in terms of player feedback specifically from this thread:

  • Players want character transfers allowed to/from Shae Vizla (which means your Legacy is also transferred)
  • You support credit restrictions, but want us to consider credit costs such as repair bills
  • Players want a reasonable time/cost to do transfers
  • Players want this server treated the same as all other servers

If I missed something, just reply with other key points and we'll make sure to review those with the team in the new year.

Thanks all

about 1 year ago - JackieKo - Direct link
6 hours ago, Celwinn said:

I've been subbed since Dec 1 2023 and I have no free transfers? 


If you meet the criteria stated for free transfers, and are not receiving them, I encourage you to reach out to support. And please be sure to include your account name. You can either follow these steps or email [email protected].