3 months ago - JackieKo - Direct link
21 minutes ago, Ranadiel_Marius said:

Seems straight forward to me. If you have "Personal Weekly Conquest" rewards in your unclaimed missions rewards, then you won't get rewards when you hit your conquest in a subsequent week. Ditto for Guild Rewards.

Don't know why they are making this change (probably some weird edge case bug?), but no one should lose any conquest rewards unless you have a habit of letting conquest rewards pile up without ever collecting them.

Pretty spot on!

To clarify, there are no reductions in rewards! Conquest rewards are unique in that they work similar to Mission rewards and it caused an edge case which allowed players who didn't claim them week over the week, to continue to stack to the point it was breaking the Mission rewards limit. Effectively, they were disallowing the player to start new missions. We are simply fixing that unintended behavior. If you're playing normally and claiming your rewards when you get them, there is no change in your experience.