about 1 year ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Hello everyone!

Following up on the character transfers to the Shae Vizla server conversation. Starting a new thread to keep all discussion relevant to the info provided below. We will be doing transfers with a few limitations in place. They are the following:

  • There will be a minimum character level requirement. Specific level TBD. 
  • For transfers specifically to Shae Vizla, we are looking to provide free transfers, for a specific period, of time to players who have been a Subscriber for at least 90 consecutive days.
    • There will be a limited number of free transfers allowed. 
  • There will be a credit cap limit per character. We are still determining the exact amount.   

As we work toward pinning down the specifics of these limitations, we will keep you informed of when transfers will be opening up. 

For easy reference, players can read through the feedback thread here

I’ll be following up in this thread with more updates when I have them. Thanks all!

about 1 year ago - KeithKanneg - Direct link

Hi folks! 

I’m back to give you more details on the character transfers to the Shae Vizla server. For this post, my aim is to confirm additional details and answer some questions we have seen floating around. 

Starting with the transfer requirements to Shae Vizla: 

  • Characters will be required to have 15 million or less credits.
  • If you try to transfer a character that has more than that amount, you will see an error message. 
  • The character level minimum is 20. 

For the first 30 days after transfers open, there will be 16 free transfers available to Subscribers who meet the following criteria: 

  • Are a current Subscriber
  • Have been a Subscriber since January 2, 2024. 

For the first 90 days after transfers open, all Subscribers will receive a 50% discount (500 CC off) on transfers to the Shae Vizla server. 

  • This discount will be applied for Subscribers who use up their free transfers. 

We also wanted to clarify additional info for transfers outside what is detailed above: 

  • Paid transfers will become available when we open transfers to Shae Vizla. 
  • These will still cost 1000CC per transfer for non-subscribers. This will be the default price after the promotion period ends. 
  • The credit and character level requirements detailed above will still apply to these transfers and all future transfers.
  • Requirements may be adjusted in the future.

We also wanted to confirm that character transfers will open with Game Update 7.4.1’s launch. All of the changes above need to be tied to an update hence why the transfers are specifically connected to 7.4.1. We will be sharing more details of 7.4.1’s release date on the livestream (I’ll be popping in myself!), so players know what to expect and roughly when. 

Thanks all!  

EDIT: Updated credit limit and Subscriber requirement.

about 1 year ago - KeithKanneg - Direct link

Hi folks, 

We saw a lot of feedback come in from the weekend specifically around credits and the 90 consecutive day Subscriber limit since APAC launch for free transfers. We had some additional conversations based on what we’ve seen on the forums and other platforms, and will be making the following adjustments. 

  • The credit limit will now be 15 million per character. 
  • To qualify for the 16 free transfers to Shae Vizla, players must be a current Subscriber and have been an active Subscriber since January 2, 2024. 

Appreciate all of your comments. We’ll continue to keep an eye on feedback that comes in. 


11 months ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Hi everyone,

We’re extending the cut off date for the 16 free transfers to the Shae Vizla server to 14 April, 2024 11:59pm CT / 15 April, 2024 2:59pm AEST, so players have the whole weekend to process transfers if they have not yet.

As a reminder, Subscribers have until 10 June, 2024 to take advantage of the 50% discount (500 Cartel Coins off!) on transfers to the Shae Vizla server.
