about 1 year
ago -
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Hi folks!
Wanted to give you all a heads up regarding the enhanced dye packs that debuted with Game Update 7.4. Initially, we announced that they would be available over the holiday break until January 6th. We saw a lot of feedback from players wanting them to be made available more often, so we are testing out how often they appear on the Cartel Market. Some of you have noticed that a couple of them reappeared throughout January. To give more players a chance to purchase the dyes, we will be releasing all the enhanced dye packs for a week beginning February 6th.
- Metallic Black and Matte Black
- Matte Black and Metallic Black
- Metallic Gold and Chrome White
- Chrome White and Metallic Gold
- Pearlescent Red and Metallic Black
- Metallic Black and Pearlescent Red
After February 13th, the dyes will be released two at a time on a weekly rotation on the Cartel Market.
Thank you!