about 1 year ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Hi everyone, 

We're aware of the issue and investigating. I'll post the forum banners with an update when I get info from the team. 


about 1 year ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Hi again, 

We will be taking down Star Forge in about 10 minutes. It'll be a quick bounce so players will be able to log in almost immediately after. 

about 1 year ago - JackieKo - Direct link
Just now, Amorianallund said:

It's been down for over half an hour, and you say "were taking it down in 10 minutes" ??

The sheer incompetence.....

Players not being able to log in is different than the server being down. Some players were still on the server hence the messaging of taking down the server. 

about 1 year ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Players should be able to log back into Star Forge now. 


Just now, Gilrenna said:

I was playing when the message came up in chat. Just before that, my character was downgraded, too, and I lost all the inventory slots I had bought like 5 years ago. lol

When you log back in, can you please confirm that your account goes back to normal? 

about 1 year ago - JackieKo - Direct link
5 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

i saw a few other players mentioning  the same thing  in Fleet genchat , about missing Legacy bank slots and "empty"  Collections tab, etc.

( i was too paranoid to look at my own character's stuff  , so i just logged offline immediately  hoping server database had already saved )

@JackieKo ,  i'll obviously double-check my own character when i log back in later but quick question:  Could all these recent  STAR FORGE downtimes be related to the migration to 64-bit ?  And if not,  any chance you or @EricMusco can shed some behind-the-code  light on the subject for us?

We're still investigating the root cause, so we do not have any details or info to share at this time. However, know that when we do narrow it down, I will be sure to communicate that to all of you. 

about 1 year ago - JackieKo - Direct link
5 minutes ago, Gilrenna said:


Jackie, I logged back in with no problem and my storage slots are all back, but I have 223 items I had stored in my legacy storage that are not in my vault anymore. They're in item recovery, so it looks like I can just put it all back in my bags and then transfer them again to my legacy storage. A bit annoying but it doesn't look like I lost anything. I'll post again if I find anything missing.

Awesome, thank you. Feel free to add to this thread or PM me any additional reports. Appreciate the follow up and the added details of your experience. 

about 1 year ago - JackieKo - Direct link
21 hours ago, RaRa_swtor said:

Just before the Star Forge server maintenance, 2/22 evening, I noted that character inventory was bugged, with no grid and items compacted at the top, as well as smaller inventory.

Today, about 3pm pst, I logged in and three of my seven Legacy Cargo bays were empty.  (Bays 5-7).  I also received 27 game mails of 'Downgrade Item Recovery', that said 'unable to place these items into your inventory...'.  However, there were no items attached to any of the 27 mails.  (the mails showed as received about 8:30pm pst, but I stayed logged out after the maintenance)

Are we going to get our lost Legacy hold items back? 

Hi there, just want to confirm, when you open the Inventory tab, you do not see a red shield button for the Legacy Overflow storage? If not, can you confirm that there is no red shield button on the character account that was online during the outage period? 
