16 days ago - JackieKo - Direct link


This is the feedback thread for the new spring event! In order to get started, choose Dantooine on your Galaxy Map and travel to the location labeled Blba Groves.

Below are feedback questions that the team would like players to answer regarding the Dantooine Spring Event Missions. 


  • Did you encounter any bugs that prevented you from completing missions? If so, please provide as much detail as possible about what you experienced.
  • Were any mission objectives unclear or confusing? If so, which ones?
  • Were any of the missions frustrating? If so, which ones and what caused you trouble?
  • What was your favorite mission? What did you enjoy about it?
  • What are your overall impressions of the Spring Abundance Festival?

Did you encounter any other bugs or issues during testing? Please describe them with as much detail as possible.


16 days ago - JackieKo - Direct link
53 minutes ago, Ludwig_VanCover said:

Where can we go to pickup the weekly? I checked the republic fleet and dantooine starting area - I could not find it. I'm on my level 80 commando that is current with the story.


Update: On the fleet, I see a second news terminal, but I am ineligible for the conversation.


Update x2: I figured it out - there is a second area on the Dantooine planet map to select. If you are like me, make sure you select "Blba Groves" from the galaxy map for Dantooine. 

Oh that's a good callout. I've updated the OP!