16 days ago - JackieKo - Direct link


Below are feedback questions that the team would like players to answer regarding the Basilisk Venture system. 

It is important to note and reiterate that it will take time for players to completely unlock B3-S1. For PTS specifically, we want to know feedback on the overall process of training the Basilisk Prototype like completing the Dailies to repair the droid and upgrade her abilities. To set expectations, what players will see on the PTS are the beginnings of the venture only.

Additionally, please ensure that the character you copy over has access to the Ruhnuk Dailies. Otherwise, you will not be able to complete the Basilisk Prototype intro mission. 

Once logged onto the PTS, you will arrive on Ruhnuk. A nearby terminal will allow you access to the intro mission. This terminal will only be available for PTS testing.   


  • After playing through the introductory mission, did you have a good understanding of how to progress the venture?
  • Was anything confusing or unclear about how to repair your Basilisk Prototype?
  • Was the Venture UI (in the Legacy Panel) clear and easy to understand? Were there any parts of it you had difficulty using?
  • What did you think of the Basilisk Prototype Companion itself? Is it something you would enjoy unlocking and using? Why or why not?
  • Did you encounter any issues that prevented you from progressing the Venture? Please describe them in detail.
  • Did you encounter any other bugs or issues during your testing?
  • What are your overall impressions of the Venture System and of the Basilisk Prototype Companion?


16 days ago - JackieKo - Direct link
21 minutes ago, metwars said:

Hi, I transfered a toon that does indeed have access to the ruhnuk dailies, in fact I have done the the new ord mental dailies as well, but for whatever reason on the PTS, it only shows up to rishi/iokath on the solo activities finder window.  So as of right now I can't do anything for the intro mission.

Hey there! Can you confirm if you are able to travel to the Daily Areas on your ship? 

16 days ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Thanks for the updates, everyone! Team is investigating. I'll update this thread again when I know more. 

16 days ago - JackieKo - Direct link
10 minutes ago, Saeten said:

Jimminy cricket.  Broadsword should do some initial testing before pushing out to player testing...  These should not be "found" by players on PTS.... 

The PTS environment is not the same as the live or dev environments. If you're familiar with PTS iterations, there are instances where, as examples, terminals are conveniently placed to give gear to players or transport them to where they need to be. That is not natural game progress. Regarding this intro mission for the Venture System, this scenario would not be experienced on the live environment because this starting point is set up differently and specifically for PTS. 

That said, I will reiterate that the team is investigating. For now, locking this thread. Once we get a pathway opened up for players, I will unlock this thread, so players can answer the feedback questions. 

16 days ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Unlocking this thread so we can get some reports in. The team would like to know what happens when you log out of the PTS and back in again. We tested characters and saw the necessary Achievements register, so we could begin the missions. 


16 days ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Adding another note that I've added to the OP. If you open your Legacy window, you can navigate to Ventures to view your progress and objectives! 

15 days ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Hey everyone, 

Giving you all a heads up that we will be bouncing the Public Test Server within the next 15 minutes or so to deploy a potential fix that players are seeing with beginning the Basilisk Prototype Venture System. 


15 days ago - JackieKo - Direct link

Hi everyone, 

The PTS is open again. We would like to hear from players who were having issues with starting the Venture system and if they can confirm if they are able to or not able to begin the Venture. 
