over 3 years ago - CommunityTeam - Direct link
Hi Jagdulf,

Thanks for the report concerning the bug you encounter with the crate you received from the Login Rewards.

To help our team investigate this bug, could you directly create a bug report ticket? With a bug report ticket, all the information provided will directly go to our team.
  1. Click on the question mark icon on the main menu, (or press Ctrl + /).
  2. Select the Report Bug option.
  3. Make sure to give all the relevant information concerning your bug.
  4. Click on Submit.
In addition to that, I also have an additional question concerning the bug: when you moved the crate to your Legacy Hold, did you move it through the Legacy Bank?

Avoid for the time being putting that crate into the Legacy bank. Instead, open the crate to obtain the items, and then transfer those items. We have a fix coming with 6.2.1 to address this. I'll update you if there is any change.