almost 2 years ago - EricMusco - Direct link
Hey there,

Others in this thread have made some relevant points around things like Loyalist / Saboteur, but there is also a bit more to this decision from our side.

We wanted to avoid having just a bunch of different "boost" options at character create, especially to have clear starting points for new and returning players. When looking at those starting points we chose 3 different points based on each story as its own "saga". So you have the classic game (class story start), KOTFE (the Knights of saga), and Onslaught (the current saga). In this same example, you can't skip straight to KOTET from a boost, just like LotS.

All of that said, "catch-up time" is something that will grow as we continue to add more story content in the current saga. I'll chat with the team and see if there are adjustments to consider here.

Thanks for the feedback!
