10 months ago - JoeStramaglia - Direct link

Hey folks!

We are seeing reports from players who are confused with how the Galactic Seasons 6 currency functions. This was not originally included in the GS6 article, but the two intended changes below will be reflected there and in the patch notes as well. 
Reputation Track
Galactic Seasons 6 does not have a Reputation track like previous seasons. There is still an item to collect the same way you collected Reputation currency in the past. However, it is for Achievement tracking only and progress is granted when you collect it - you're safe to sell them for credits! It’s worth noting that these will cease to drop when you’ve unlocked the achievement.

Reputation Conquest Objective
The amount of Conquest points earned for the Reputation Conquest Objective was reduced. This particular objective was over-represented in objectives completed and needed to be balanced. We've added new objectives to help offset the loss that encourage you to play Galactic Seasons in the same manner that the Reputation one did but lowered the effect that the Reputation objective gave in its place. 

These changes will be reflected in future Seasons as well, however, we know they can have an outsized effect on smaller guilds and will be keeping a close eye on the data over time and make adjustments as needed.