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After previous unnecessary nerfs, chembaron was already pretty weak last patch (500 cashout being extremely underwhelming because of the gold nerfs).

And now at this patch, basically it is an unplayable trait if you want to play for LP instead of fun. I have played about 10 games today (EUW master), and I have seen absolutely 0 player taking chembaron at all. This is probably the only trait I don't even see people activating at all, not even 3 chembaron. I know this isn't challenger, but I doubt it's any different on higher elo.

500 cashout now is almost impossible because it mandates you to get a Sevika at stage 3 lvl 7 with a chance of 0.125% in your shop.

600/700/800 is definitely illusive entirely, unless you have war for the under city + tiniest/tiny titan, AND highroll a Sevika at 3-5.

So, yes, definitely I am not playing chembaron on my main account, maybe on a second account where lP doesn't matter for sure.

But why design this trait at all? Just for it to be butchered later?

If anyone disagrees, please show me a game on Lolchess.gg of a chembaron winning the lobby in a Diamond + elo on this patch.

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5 days ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by Helpful-Passage6448

they are just stpid, why they do a class, that u just need to lose to get the rewards. just use brain