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A while ago Mortdog commented on a post saying how a repetitive reward on the battle pass would go against their plans for how battle passes "feel" to the player. "If a player farms only 50 levels and compares to another who farmed 200 pass levels, they'd feel like they're missing out on rewards and we don't want that." (paraphrasing)

But what if we had a "daily win" kind of quest in which you complete and get a small amount of Realm Crystals, maybe 35?

Being a daily quest, it prevents bots from farming crystals but also keeps the players interested in playing the game everyday after finishing their passes.

In about two weeks of playing the game everyday you'd have 500 crystals which is enough to get a basic tactician from the rotating shop. It's not a lot in my eyes.

Idk, I had this wild thought while writing a comment here and decided to post this asking for opinions.

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11 days ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by pizzalicke

You have to realize he is not being honest when he says that, he is first and foremost only going to make decisions that make the most amount of money possible.

Mort: gives honest answer

Reddit: Hes not being honest
